While resource data can be updated by specifying the time (_date) as a resource data update API condition, is there a way to specify a single data item for updating when multiple data items share the same time (_date)?
Unfortunately, there is no way to specify records to update data when multiple JSON data resources have been registered at the same time to the same resource. This is covered in detail in the API User Guide. Please refer there for more information.
Adding newdate when sending a request when updating resource data ends up updating the _date in the resource data. Is it possible to just apply an update to JSON data without updating the _date?
newdate can be omitted. When omitted, the _date (registration timestamp) will not be updated. This is covered in detail in the API User Guide. Please refer there for more information.
I only want to update a specific key in JSON data. Is it possible to specify a Query (filter search), which can be specified with “Search” and “Delete”, with “Update”?
Data cannot be updated by searching for keys within JSON data.
However, the following method can be used to update a specific key only.
1. Retrieve the resource data for the key information you prefer to update with a Query (key search).
2. Update the part of the JSON data retrieved that you prefer to update on the client side
3. Update data by specifying the time written for the acquisition time (_date) in step 2.