1. API Authentication API
1.1. Connection Information
Host |
auth-api.jp-east-1.paas.cloud.global.fujitsu.com |
Each API is provided in the form of HTTPS.
An Example of URL
1.2. POST /API/oauth2/token
This is the interface to get an access token. If a valid access token already exists, a new access token will not be issued and the existing access token is returned instead. Note that if access token retrieval fails five times or more in a row, access token retrieval is locked for 30 minutes for the client ID concerned.
Request Header
Name | Type | Description |
Content-Type |
String |
Specify "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
grant_type |
String |
Yes |
Specify "client_credentials" |
scope |
String |
Yes |
Specify "service_contract" |
client_id |
String |
Yes |
Client ID to be authenticated |
client_secret |
String |
Yes |
Passwords for client ID |
Return Codes
Code | Description |
201 |
Access token generation is successfully complete. |
400 *Authentication Error |
invalid_request : Input parameters are invalid. |
400 *Authentication Error |
unsupported_grant_type : Some other value than "client_credentials" is specified for grant_type. |
400 *Authentication Error |
invalid_scope : Some other value than "service_contract" is specified for scope. |
400 *Authentication Error |
invalid_request : Input parameters are invalid. |
400 *Authentication Error |
invalid_client : Authentication fails. Specified client ID and/or passwords need to be reviewed. |
400 |
RCM403102 : Content-Type is not specified. |
400 |
RCM403103 : Content-Type which cannot be used is specified. |
400 |
RCM403105 : Specified parameters cannot be URL decoded. |
400 |
RCM403106 : Some other value than number is specified in a number field. |
500 |
RCM102205 : Contact the system administrator. |
500 |
RCM053104 : Contact the system administrator. |
Response Header
Name | Type | Description |
Content-Type |
String |
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" is specified. |
Response Parameter
Response (Normal)
Name | Type | Description |
access_token |
String |
An issued access token |
token_type |
String |
"bearer" is specified. |
expires_in |
long |
valid period of a token, which is 1799 seconds when a token is newly issued |
scope |
String |
"service_contract" is specified. |
client_id |
String |
Client ID for which a token is issued |
contract_info |
object |
Contract information of the client ID for which a token is issued |
contract_list |
array |
Contract list linked with the client ID |
service_contract_id |
String |
Service contract ID |
service_code |
String |
Service code |
Response (Abnormal) *Authentication Error
"error_description":"With the specified information, an access token cannot be issued."
Name | Type | Description |
error |
String |
An error code. To identify what the error code means, refer to Error Codes in OAuth2.0. |
error_description |
String |
The additional information for the error code above. The code corresponding to a response error code is added to the end of a string. When an error occurs, refer to HTTP Status Code and Resonse Error Code List. |
Response (Abnormal) *Except for Authentication Error
Refer to Common Response (Abnormal).
1.3. POST /API/oauth2/token?access_token={access_token}
Delete the access token issued through "Get an access token".
1.4. Error Codes in OAuth2.0
See below for the meaning of the error codes speculated in OAuth2.0.
Code | Description |
invalid_request |
Parameters required for Request are not included. Unsupported parameter values (except for grant type) are included. Parameters are duplicated. Multiple credentials are included. Multiple mechanisms are used for client authentication. Abnormal values are specified. |
invalid_client |
Client authetication has failed. For example, the client is unknown, client authentication information is not included, or unsupported authentic method is used. |
invalid_grant |
The provided authorization grant (e.g. authorization code or resource owner credential) or refresh token is invalid. Expiration is reached. Already Expired. Not matched with the redirected URI used in an authorized request. The access token has already been issued for another client. |
unauthorized_client |
The authenticated client is not authorized for using the grant type. |
unsupported_grant_type |
Grant type is not supported in the authorization server. |
invalid_scope |
Requested scope is invalid, unknown, abnormal or over the scope given by a resource owner. |