Character Strings Specifiable for Names

The types of characters and the lengths of character strings that can be used in each service are as shown below.

Virtual Servers

Table 1. Character Strings Related to Virtual Servers
Item Usable Character Types Length
Virtual Server Name ASCII character range 255 bytes or less
Snapshot Name ASCII character range 255 bytes or less
Key Pair Name

Alphabetical characters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and symbols (-, _)

  • Alphabetical characters are case sensitive
  • You cannot use blank spaces
255 bytes or less

In the Eastern Japan Region 2, only single-byte characters can be used in virtual server names. If double-byte characters are used, Automatic Failover of virtual servers will not operate.


Table 2. Character Strings Related to Object Storage
Item Length
Object Name 1024 bytes or less
Object Metadata Name 128 bytes or less
Object Metadata 2048 bytes or less
Container Name 256 bytes or less
Container Metadata Name 128 bytes or less
Container Metadata 2048 bytes or less


Table 3. Character Stings Related to Networks
Item Usable Character Types Length
Network Name ASCII character range 255 bytes or less
Subnet Name ASCII character range 255 bytes or less
Security Group Name ASCII character range 255 bytes or less
Security Group Description ASCII character range 1024 bytes or less
Port Name ASCII character range 255 bytes or less
Network Connector Name

Alphabetical characters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and symbols (-, _)

  • Alphabetical characters are case sensitive
255 bytes or less
Connector Endpoint Name

Alphabetical characters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and symbols (-, _)

  • Alphabetical characters are case sensitive
255 bytes or less
Virtual Router Name ASCII character range 255 bytes or less
Name of VPN Service ASCII character range 255 bytes or less
Name of SSL-VPN Connection ASCII character range 255 bytes or less
Table 4. Character Strings Related to the Firewall Service
Item Usable Character Types Length
Firewall Name ASCII character range 255 bytes or less
Firewall Description ASCII character range 1024 bytes or less
Name of Firewall Rule ASCII character range 255 bytes or less
Firewall Rule Description ASCII character range 1024 bytes or less
Firewall Policy Name ASCII character range 255 bytes or less
Firewall Policy Description ASCII character range 1024 bytes or less
Table 5. Character Strings Related to the Load Balancer Service
Item Usable Character Types Length
Load Balancer Name Alphabetical characters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and hyphens (-) 1 - 30 characters
Session Persistence Policy Name

Alphabetical characters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and symbols (!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_'{|}~)

  • Alphabetical characters are case sensitive
255 bytes or less
Redirect Policy Name

Alphabetical characters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and symbols (!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_'{|}~)

  • Alphabetical characters are case sensitive
255 bytes or less


Table 6. Character Strings Related to the Database Service
Item Usable Character Types Length
Specification of the virtual database server name

Alphabetical characters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and hyphens (-)

  • The name must begin with an alphabetic character
  • You cannot use a hyphen as the first character
  • You cannot use two or more consecutive hyphens
1 - 255 characters
Master User Name

Alphabetical characters (lowercase), numbers, and symbols (-, _)

  • You can only use an alphabetic character (lowercase) or symbol (_) as the first character
1 - 63 characters
Master User Password Alphabetical characters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and symbols other than single quotes (') 1 - 1024 characters
Database Snapshot Name

Alphabetical characters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and hyphens (-)

  • The name must begin with an alphabetic character
  • You cannot use a hyphen as the first character
  • You cannot use two or more consecutive hyphens
1 - 255 characters
Read Replica Name

Alphabetical characters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and hyphens (-)

  • The name must begin with an alphabetic character
  • You cannot use a hyphen as the first character
  • You cannot use two or more consecutive hyphens
1 - 255 characters


Table 7. Character Strings Related to the Template Service
Item Usable Character Types Length
Stack Name Alphabetical characters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and symbols (-_.) 1 - 255 characters

Management Functions

Table 8. Character Strings Related to User Management
Item Usable Character Types Length
Project Name

Alphabetical characters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and symbols (-_+=,.@)

  • Alphabetical characters are not case sensitive
4 - 64 characters
Project Description There are no restrictions 255 or less characters
Group Name

Alphabetical characters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and symbols (-_+=,.@)

  • Alphabetical characters are not case sensitive
4 - 64 characters
User Name Alphabetical characters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and symbols (-_.@) 4 - 246 characters
User Password

Alphabetical characters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and symbols (!#$%&()*+-.=?@[]_{}~)

  • Alphabetical characters are case sensitive
  • Must not contain the user name
  • Must include at least 1 alphabetic character
  • Must include at least 1 numeric character
16 - 64 characters
Table 9. Character Strings Related to Key Management
Item Usable Character Types Length
Key Metadata Container Name Alphabetical characters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and single-byte symbols 1 - 255 characters
Key Metadata Name Alphabetical characters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and single-byte symbols 1 - 255 characters