Available Commands and SQL Statements

This section describes the SQL statements, which are client commands available with the Database as a Service.

Client Commands

The list of commands available with this Database as a Service is shown below.

Tip: For details on each client command, refer to the PostgreSQL documentation, "PostgreSQL Client Applications."
Table 1. List of Available Client Commands
Command Name Purpose
clusterdb Clusters a database (physically reorders the tables, based on the index information)

Creates a new database

Note: You cannot specify the -E option.
createuser Defines a new user account
dropdb Removes a database
dropuser Removes a user account
ecpg Uses an embedded SQL C preprocessor
pg_config Provides information about the installed version
pg_dump Extracts a database into a script file or other archive file
pg_dumpall Extracts a database cluster into a script file
pg_isready Checks the connection status of a server (*1)
pg_recvlogical Controls the logical decoding of a stream (*1)
pg_restore Restores a database from an archive file created by pg_dump
psql Executes a command interactively
reindexdb Reindexes a database
vacuumdb Garbage-collects and analyzes a database

Note 1: Not usable when the database engine is Symfoware Server.

SQL Statements

The list of SQL statements available with this Database as a Service is shown below.

Tip: For details on each SQL statement syntax, refer to the PostgreSQL documentation, "SQL Commands."
Table 2. List of Available SQL Statements
SQL Statement Purpose
ABORT Aborts the current transaction
ALTER AGGREGATE Changes the definition of an aggregate function
ALTER COLLATION Changes the definition of a collation
ALTER CONVERSION Changes the definition of a conversion
ALTER DATABASE Changes a database (Note 1)
ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES Defines default access privileges
ALTER DOMAIN Changes the definition of a domain
ALTER EVENT TRIGGER Changes the definition of an event trigger (*2)
ALTER EXTENSION Changes the definition of an extension
ALTER FOREIGN TABLE Changes the definition of an external table (*2) (*3)
ALTER FUNCTION Changes the definition of a function (Note 1)
ALTER GROUP Changes a role name or membership
ALTER INDEX Changes the definition of an index
ALTER LARGE OBJECT Changes the definition of a large object
ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW Changes the definition of a materialized view (*2)
ALTER OPERATOR Changes the definition of an operator
ALTER OPERATOR CLASS Changes the definition of an operator class
ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY Changes the definition of an operator family
ALTER POLICY Changes rows of the definition of a security policy (*2)
ALTER ROLE Changes a database role (Note 1)
ALTER RULE Changes the definition of a rule (*2)
ALTER SCHEMA Changes the definition of a schema
ALTER SEQUENCE Changes the definition of a sequence generator
ALTER SERVER Changes the definition of an external server (*2) (*3)
ALTER TABLE Changes the definition of a table
ALTER TABLESPACE Changes the definition of a tablespace
ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION Changes the definition of a text search configuration
ALTER TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY Changes the definition of a text search dictionary
ALTER TEXT SEARCH PARSER Changes the definition of a text search parser
ALTER TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE Changes the definition of a text search template
ALTER TRIGGER Changes the definition of a trigger
ALTER TYPE Changes the definition of a type
ALTER USER Changes a database role
ALTER USER MAPPING Changes the definition of a user map (*2) (*3)
ALTER VIEW Changes the definition of a view
ANALYZE Collects statistics about a database
BEGIN Starts a transaction block
CHECKPOINT Forces a transaction log checkpoint
CLOSE Closes a cursor
CLUSTER Clusters a table according to an index
COMMENT Defines or changes the comment of an object
COMMIT Commits the current transaction
COMMIT PREPARED Commits a transaction that was earlier prepared for two-phase commit
COPY Copies data between a client and a database table (Note 4)
CREATE AGGREGATE Defines a new aggregate function (Note 5)
CREATE CAST Defines a new cast (Note 5)
CREATE COLLATION Defines a new collation
CREATE CONVERSION Defines a new encoding conversion (Note 5)
CREATE DATABASE Creates a new database (Note 6)
CREATE DOMAIN Defines a new domain
CREATE EVENT TRIGGER Defines a new event trigger (*2)
CREATE EXTENSION Installs an extension
CREATE FOREIGN TABLE Defines a new external table (*2) (*3)
CREATE FUNCTION Defines a new function (Note 1) (Note 7)
CREATE GROUP Defines a new database role
CREATE INDEX Defines a new index
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW Defines a new materialized view (*2)
CREATE OPERATOR Defines a new operator (Note 5)
CREATE OPERATOR CLASS Defines a new operator class (Note 5)
CREATE OPERATOR FAMILY Defines a new operator family
CREATE POLICY Defines new rows of a security policy in a table (*2)
CREATE ROLE Defines a new database role
CREATE RULE Defines a new rewrite rule
CREATE SCHEMA Defines a new schema
CREATE SEQUENCE Defines a new sequence generator
CREATE SERVER Defines a new external server (*2) (*3)
CREATE TABLE Define a new table
CREATE TABLE AS Defines a new table from the results of a query
CREATE TABLESPACE Defines a new tablespace (Note 8)
CREATE TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION Defines a new text search configuration
CREATE TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY Defines a new text search dictionary
CREATE TEXT SEARCH PARSER Defines a new text search parser (Note 5)
CREATE TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE Defines a new text search template (Note 5)
CREATE TRIGGER Defines a new trigger (Note 5)
CREATE TYPE Defines a new data type (Note 5)
CREATE USER Defines a new database role
CREATE USER MAPPING Defines a new user map of an external server (*2) (*3)
CREATE VIEW Defines a new view
DEALLOCATE Deallocates a prepared statement
DECLARE Defines a cursor
DELETE Deletes rows of a table
DISCARD Discards session state
DO Executes an anonymous code block
DROP AGGREGATE Removes a defined aggregate function
DROP CAST Removes a defined cast
DROP COLLATION Removes a defined collation
DROP CONVERSION Removes a defined conversion
DROP DATABASE Removes a defined database
DROP DOMAIN Removes a defined domain
DROP EVENT TRIGGER Removes a defined event trigger (*2)
DROP EXTENSION Removes a defined extension
DROP FOREIGN TABLE Removes a defined external table (*2) (*3)
DROP FUNCTION Removes a defined function
DROP GROUP Removes a defined database role
DROP INDEX Removes a defined index
DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW Removes a defined materialized view (*2)
DROP OPERATOR Removes a defined operator
DROP OPERATOR CLASS Removes a defined operator class
DROP OPERATOR FAMILY Removes a defined operator family
DROP OWNED Removes database objects owned by a defined database role
DROP POLICY Deletes rows of a security policy from a table (*2)
DROP ROLE Removes a defined database role
DROP RULE Removes a defined rewrite rule
DROP SCHEMA Removes a defined schema
DROP SEQUENCE Removes a defined sequence
DROP SERVER Deletes the descriptor of an external server (*2) (*3)
DROP TABLE Removes a defined table
DROP TABLESPACE Removes a defined tablespace
DROP TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION Removes a defined text search configuration
DROP TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY Removes a defined text search dictionary
DROP TEXT SEARCH PARSER Removes a defined text search parser
DROP TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE Removes a defined text search template
DROP TRIGGER Removes a defined trigger
DROP TYPE Removes a defined data type
DROP USER Removes a defined database role
DROP USER MAPPING Removes the user map of an external server (*2) (*3)
DROP VIEW Removes a defined view
END Commits the current transaction
EXECUTE Executes a prepared statement
EXPLAIN Shows the execution plan of a query statement
FETCH Retrieves rows from a table using a cursor
GRANT Defines access privileges
IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA Imports a table definition from an external server (*2)
INSERT Creates new rows in a table
LISTEN Listens for a notification
LOCK Locks a table
MOVE Positions a cursor
NOTIFY Generates a notification
PREPARE Prepares a statement for execution
PREPARE TRANSACTION Prepares the current transaction for two-phase commit
REASSIGN OWNED Changes the ownership of database objects owned by a database role
REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW Converts the content of a materialized view (*2)
REINDEX Rebuilds indexes
RELEASE SAVEPOINT Destroys a previously defined savepoint
RESET Restores the value of a run-time parameter to the default value (Note 1)
REVOKE Removes access privileges
ROLLBACK Aborts the current transaction
ROLLBACK PREPARED Cancels a transaction that was earlier prepared for two-phase commit
ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT Rolls back to a savepoint
SAVEPOINT Defines a new savepoint within the current transaction
SECURITY LABEL Defines or changes a security label applied to an object
SELECT Retrieves rows from a table or view
SELECT INTO Defines a new table from the results of a query
SET Changes a run-time parameter (Note 1)
SET CONSTRAINTS Sets constraint check timing for the current transaction
SET ROLE Sets the user identifier of the current session
SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION Sets the session user identifier and the user identifier of the current session
SET TRANSACTION Sets the characteristics of the current transaction
SHOW Shows the value of a run-time parameter
START TRANSACTION Starts a transaction block
TRUNCATE Empties a table or set of tables
UNLISTEN Stops listening for a notification
UPDATE Updates rows of a table
VACUUM Garbage-collects and optionally analyzes a database
VALUES Computes a set of rows

Note 1: When you specify configuration_parameter, you cannot specify a parameter that takes a directory path as a value.

Note 2: Not usable when the database engine is Symfoware Server.

Note 3: You can only use postgres_fdw as an external wrapper.

Note 4: You cannot specify any file names for FROM and TO. Specify STDIN or STDOUT.

Note 5: If you specify a function, you can only specify a function that is implemented in SQL or the plpgsql language.

Note 6: You cannot specify the ENCODING clause.

Note 7: You can only specify the languages SQL, internal, or plpgsql for LANGUAGE.

Note 8: The directory specified in the LOCATION clause is generated under /userdata/tblspc automatically. You do not have to prepare the directory in advance. In the LOCATION clause, you can specify a path within a length of 958 bytes.

  • You cannot use the following SQL statements that are available in PostgreSQL:

    • LOAD
  • The operation for parallel searches of the database service is the same as for PostgreSQL.

    • In the database service it is not possible to use the "CPU resource availability checking" function provided by the product version of Enterprise Postgres.

      The "CPU resource availability checking" function is the function that controls server slowdown due to excessive parallel searches.