Procedure for Connecting to SUSE Public Cloud Infrastructure (Patch Distribution Server)

This section describes how to connect to SUSE Public Cloud Infrastructure, a common network service provided by IaaS.

About this task

After creating the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server virtual server, follow these steps:


  1. Log in to the SLES OS of your virtual server.
  2. Transfer the files AZ1_region_jp1_pem.tar( and AZ2_region_jp1_pem.tar to the virtual server.
    • If you are connected to the virtual server through a program such as TeraTerm, you can drag and drop files on the screen to transfer them (SCP).
    • Make sure that you have root privileges when performing the following steps.
  3. Extract the files AZ1_region_jp1_pem.tar and AZ2_region_jp1_pem.tar.
    # tar xvf AZ1_region_jp1_pem.tar
  4. Store the extracted pem file under /var/lib/regionService/certs.

    # mv <region server>.pem /var/lib/regionService/certs/

    Tip: "<region server>" indicates the IP address.
    # mv /var/lib/regionService/certs/
  5. Edit the file /etc/regionserverclnt.cfg as shown below.
    • The file regionserverclnt.cfg before editing

      api = regionInfo 
      certLocation = /var/lib/regionService/certs 
      dataProvider = none 
      instanceArgs = none 
      verifyAccess = none
    • Example of the file regionserverclnt.cfg after editing

      In the regionsrv line in the file, specify two IP addresses of the region server, separated by a comma.

      api = regionInfo 
      certLocation = /var/lib/regionService/certs 
      regionsrv =, 
      dataProvider = none 
      instanceArgs = none 
      verifyAccess = none
  6. Start the service by using systemctl commands.

    Execute the following commands and make sure that no errors are output.

    # systemctl enable guestregister 
    # systemctl start guestregister 
    # echo $? 
  7. Use the zypper command to make sure that package information can be acquired from the patch distribution server.
    # zypper lu 
    Refreshing service 'SMT-http_suse-smt_jp-1_cloud_global_fujitsu_com'. 
    Refreshing service 'cloud_update'. 
    Loading repository data... 
    Reading installed packages... 
    S | Repository         | Name                          | Current Version | Available Version | Arch 
    v | SLES12-SP1-Updates | MozillaFirefox                | 45.5.1esr-93.1  | 45.6.0esr-96.1    | x86_64 
    v | SLES12-SP1-Updates | gnome-session                 | 3.10.1-7.16     | 3.10.1-8.3.6      | x86_64 
    v | SLES12-SP1-Updates | gnome-session-core            | 3.10.1-7.16     | 3.10.1-8.3.6      | x86_64 
    v | SLES12-SP1-Updates | gnome-session-default-session | 3.10.1-7.16     | 3.10.1-8.3.6      | x86_64 
    v | SLES12-SP1-Updates | gstreamer-plugins-bad         | 1.2.4-2.4       | 1.2.4-3.4.1       | x86_64 
    v | SLES12-SP1-Updates | gstreamer-plugins-good        | 1.2.4-1.23      | 1.2.4-2.3.1       | x86_64