Using a Downloaded Key Pair (*.pem) with PuTTY.exe

This section describes how to download a key pair created with IaaS and use it with the SSH client software 'PuTTY.'

About this task

To convert *.pem files downloaded from IaaS to *.ppk files, follow the steps below.


  1. Starting the PuTTY Key Generator
    Start PuTTY by double-clicking 'puttygen.exe' in the folder in which it is installed.
  2. Load the *.pem file

    Click Load and select the *.pem file downloaded from IaaS.

    Tip: In the dialog box, change the file type to All Files(*.*) and select the *.pem file.

    The following message will be displayed. Click OK to proceed.

  3. Saving the *.ppk file

    Click Save private key and save the file as a *.ppk file in a folder of your choice.


Specify the saved *.ppk file on the SSH authentication setting screen to use it.