Registering Server Certificates Used by Load Balancers

This section explains the procedure for registering server certificates with the key management function when performing HTTPS communication or SSL communication using a load balancer. Creating a key metadata container registers server certificates.

Before you begin

The following preparations are necessary to register a server certificate for a load balancer. The file names below should be read as the names of the files that you created.

  • Server certificate
  • Server private key


  1. Register server certificates

    Register server certificates using the key management service. For details about the registration method, refer to "Create key metadata" in the "API Reference - Management Administration".

    Table 1. Example Settings for Server Certificate Registration
    Item Example Settings
    Key Metadata Name lb_server_certificate
    Retention Period 2025-12-31T23:59:59
    Confidential Information

    -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n

    (character string where the line break codes in the payload of server.crt are replaced with '\n') \n

    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

    Content Type for Confidential Information text/plain

    When including certificates other than server certificates, create a new file containing the information given below, and use it as a new server.crt file.

    • When including an intermediate CA certificate

      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        Server certificate confidential information
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        Intermediate CA certificate confidential information
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    • When including an intermediate CA certificate and a cross root certificate

      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        Server certificate confidential information
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        Intermediate CA certificate confidential information
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        Cross root certificate confidential information
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  2. Register the server private key

    Using the key management service, register the server private key. For details about the registration method, refer to "Create key metadata" in the "API Reference - Management Administration".

    Table 2. Example Settings for Server Private Key Registration
    Item Example Settings
    Key Metadata Name lb_server_private_key
    Retention Period 2025-12-31T23:59:59
    Confidential Information

    -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n

    (character string where the line break codes in the payload of server.key are replaced with '\n') \n

    -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

    Content Type for Confidential Information text/plain
  3. Create a key metadata container

    Create a key metadata container to contain both the server certificate and the private key created in steps 1 and 2. For details about the creation method for the key metadata container, refer to "Create key metadata container" in the "API Reference - Management Administration".

    Table 3. Example Settings for Key Metadata Containers
    Item Example Settings
    Key Metadata Container Name ELBCredential
    Key Metadata Type certificate
    Note: Only specify "certificate" for the key metadata type.
    Key Metadata List

    "secret_refs": [


    "name": "certificate",

    "secret_ref": "{Project ID}/secrets/{ID of server certificate key metadata}"



    "name": "private_key",

    "secret_ref": "{Project ID}/secrets/{ID of server private key metadata}"



    Tip: It is unnecessary to set "intermediates".