Response format when the state is normal

Response Elements


Envelope of the response.

The API name will be stored in the APIName portion.

Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
- 1..1 None APINameResult



Envelope of the result.

The API name will be stored in the APIName portion.

Each API stores unique information as Child element.

Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
- 1..1 APINameResponse (Varies depending on the API)


Envelope of the metadata.

Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
- 1..1 APINameResponse RequestId


ID that uniquely identifies the request.

This is required when contacting support staff to troubleshoot an issue.

UUID format (example: 647cd254-e0d1-44a9-af61-1d6d86ea6b77)

Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
xsd:string 1..1 ResponseMetadata None