
The Edge server requires an origin behavior for every rule. The minimum settings include:

  • An origin DNS hostname that is different from the user facing FQDN (hostname used by the end client to access the site/application) or IP address
  • A declaration as to what value should be used in the "Host" header in HTTP requests to the origin
  • A declaration as to the hostname component to be used in constructing the cache-key
  • Delivery FQDN

Each of these settings is described below. As it is necessary to write at least one match condition, a url-wildcard condition is used.

         "rules": [
             "matches": [
                 "name": "url-wildcard",
                 "value": "/*"
             "behaviors": [
                 "name": "origin",
                 "value": "-",
                 "params": {
                   "digitalProperty": "test01-123abc.cdn-edge.cloud.global.fujitsu.com",
                   "originDomain": "lb-001.loadbalancing-jp-east-1.cloud.global.fujitsu.com"
                   "cacheKeyType": "origin",
                   "cacheKeyValue": "-",
                   "hostHeaderType": "digital_property",
                   "hostHeaderValue": "-"

Origin DNS

• originDomain - Must be a valid domain name or IP address of origin server.

For example:

       "originDomain": "lb-001.loadbalancing-jp-east-1.cloud.global.fujitsu.com"

Forward "Host" Header

In many cases the value in the HTTP "Host" header is not used by the origin, and the same content is served regardless of the value of this header. For multi-tenant/shared infrastructure that does rely upon the "Host" header, the most common use case is to use the "Delivery FQDN" as this is what the origin would receive without any CDN intermediary.

  • hostHeaderType -One of "digital_property", "origin", "fixed" where:
    • digital_property - If the origin response is different for each Digital Property(default behavior)
    • origin - If the origin response is the same regardless of Digital Property. The value of "originDomain" is used
    • fixed - If the origin expects a specific value in the "Host" header that is neither the Digital Property nor the origin domain; the value of "hostHeaderValue" (defined below) is used.
  • hostHeaderValue - If "hostHeaderType" is "fixed" you must provide a value for this field. Must be a valid domain name though it does not need to resolve in DNS. The value supplied will be sent to the origin in the HTTP "Host" header. Use a dash ("-") to indicate no value.


The cache-key is the combination of request inputs and Edge server request processing that produce a unique "key" to identify an object in cache. The value to use in the cache-key depends on whether or not the origin serves different content based on the"Host" header it sees. If so, then the Digital Property should be used in the cache-key. If not, then the origin domain should be used. The fixed string option allows the Customer to set a specific domain to be used in the cache key.

  • cacheKeyType –One of "digital_property", "origin", "fixed" where:
    • digital_property – If the response is different for each Digital Property, the delivery FQDN can be used as the cache key.
    • origin – If the origin response is the same regardless of Digital Property (default behavior), the FQDN of the origin server is used as the cache key.
    • fixed – Similar to "origin", but allows for differentiation when the origin domain is the same for multiple Customers. It is also necessary to specify the following cacheKeyValue.
  • cacheKeyValue – If "cacheKeyType" is "fixed" you must provide a value for this field. Mustbe a valid domain name though it does not need to resolve in DNS. The value supplied will be used as the hostname portion of the cache-key. Use a dash ("-") to indicate no value.

Delivery FQDN

Delivery FQDN used in Cache-key.

  • digitalProperty –

    CDN Service sets the own domain or cdn-edge domain. Do not omit, Specify the any value ("-" or any value retrieved by "retrieve a service" API)

       Example: "digitalProperty": "test01-123abc.cdn-edge.cloud.global.fujitsu.com"