API list

Auto scale

Item API Name Description
1 POST /v1/{tenant_id}/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}/resources/{resource_name}/signal

Send signal

Sends signal to the specified resource
2 GET /v1/{tenant_id}/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}/resources/{resource_name}

Retrieve details of stack resources

Retrieves detailed information about the specified resource
3 POST /autoscale_schedulers

Register a schedule

Registers a schedule
4 DELETE /autoscale_schedulers/{name}

Delete a schedule

Deletes a schedule.
5 GET /autoscale_schedulers

List schedules

Retrieves a schedule list

For processing other than the above, use the following APIs described in "API Reference Manual (Application Platform Service) " - "Template/ Development environment" - "Orchestration"

  • Create stack: POST /v1/{tenant_id}/stacks (Create a stack)
  • Find stack: GET /v1/{tenant_id}/stacks/{stack_name} (Retrieve the URL of the specified stack)
  • Update stack: PUT /v1/{tenant_id}/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id} (Update the specified stack)
  • Delete stack: DELETE /v1/{tenant_id}/stacks/{stack_name} (Delete the specified stack)