Regarding the generation of URLs when using APIs

For URLs to be used by the APIs (items 1 and 2), use URLs of the "orchestration" type from the Service catalog retrieved from the identity service.

The endpoint URL is returned in the following format by the identity service.

Create the URL in one of the following formats:

  • If you remember the tenant_id:

    Join the path name of each API in the host section of the end point URL

  • If you do not remember the tenant_id:

    The endpoint URL and the path name of each API with "/v2/{tenant_id}" removed from the beginning

For URLs to be used by the APIs (others than items 1 and 2), use URLs of the "autoscale" type from the Service catalog retrieved from the identity service.

The endpoint URL is returned in the following format by the identity service.

Join the path name of each API in the host section of the end point URL, and create the URL.