Update an image

PATCH /v2/images/{image_id}

Normal response codes: 200

It is necessary to specify application/openstack-images-v2.1-json-patch for the Content-Type of the request header.

e7db3b45-8db7-47ad-8109-3fb55c2c24fd as an example:

	{"op": "replace", "path": "/name", "value": "Fedora 17"},
	{"op": "replace", "path": "/tags", "value": ["fedora", "beefy"]}

The response body shows the updated image entity. For example:

	"id": "e7db3b45-8db7-47ad-8109-3fb55c2c24fd",
	"name": "Fedora 17",
	"status": "queued",
	"visibility": "private",
	"tags": ["fedora", "beefy"],
	"created_at": "2012-08-11T17:15:52Z",
	"updated_at": "2012-08-11T17:15:52Z",
	"self": "/v2/images/e7db3b45-8db7-47ad-8109-3fb55c2c24fd",
	"file": "/v2/images/e7db3b45-8db7-47ad-8109-3fb55c2c24fd/file",
	"schema": "/v2/schemas/image"

The PATCH method can also be used to add or remove image properties. To add a custom user-defined property such as "login-user" to an image, use the following example request.

	{"op": "add", "path": "/login-user", "value": "kvothe"}

Similarly, to remove a property such as "login-user" from an image, use the following example request.

	{"op": "remove", "path": "/login-user"}

See Appendix B for more details about the 'application/openstack-images-v2.1-json-patch' media type.

Property protections

Version 2.2 of the Images API acknowledges the ability of a cloud provider to employ property protections. Thus, there may be image properties that may not be updated or deleted by non-admin users.