Cancel image export



Note: {export_id} is export process ID that is returned from image export API.



Request header

Refer to "Request headers" for details on the request headers of this API.

Table 1. Request headers
Request header Value Description
X-Auth-Token String Tokens that were retrieved using the Identity service.

Request body

This API does not accept request parameters. Any content specified for the request body will be ignored.

Response body

This API does not return response body when API executed successfully. If API failed, parameters in Response parameters when an error occurs are returned in JSON format. Refer to "Detailed error information list" for details on error information returned when an error occurs.

Table 2. Response parameters when an error occurs
Parameter Value Description
error_code String Detailed error code.
error_message String Detailed error message.

Table 3. Detailed error information list
Status code Detailed error code Detailed error message Action
400 40010 Export_id is already accepted cancelling. Cancelling request has been accepted already, you do not need to request again.
403 40301 You cannot execute this API. Check with the Administrator about your account privileges.
404 40401 Invalid export_id. Modify the request URL.
404 40402 Export_id was already finished. Export has completed already, you do not need to request again.
500 50001 Internal server error. Contact support.
500 50002 Internal server error. Contact support.

Status code

Refer to "Status codes" for details on the status codes returned by this API.

Table 4. Status codes
Status code Description
200 Indicate that the cancel of image export started successfully.
400 Indicates an invalid request. (Cancel request for identical export_id has been accepted.)
401 Indicates an invalid token.
403 Indicates that the cancel of image export API privileges do not exist.
404 Indicates that export_id specified in URL is invalid.
405 Indicates an access by an invalid method.
500 Indicates that cancel of the image export failed due to an internal error.