API list

Virtual servers for SAP

Item API Name Description
1 GET /l_servers

Retrieve a list of virtual servers

Retrieves a list of virtual servers
2 GET /l_servers/resourceId

Retrieve virtual server details

Retrieves detailed information on the specified virtual server.

Disk, NIC and snapshot information are included in the retrieved information.

3 GET /templates/l_servers

Retrieve a list of virtual server templates

Retrieves a list of virtual server templates
4 POST /l_servers

Create virtual server

Creates a virtual server
5 POST /l_servers

Recreate virtual server from backup image

Recreate the virtual server using the backup image.
6 PUT /l_servers/resourceId/start

Start virtual server

Starts the specified virtual server
7 PUT /l_servers/resourceId/stop

Stop virtual server

Stops the specified virtual server
8 PUT /l_servers/resourceId/restart

Restart virtual server

Restarts the specified virtual server
9 DELETE /l_servers/resourceId

Delete virtual server

Deletes the specified virtual server
10 PUT /l_servers/resourceId

Change virtual server

Changes information about the specified virtual server
11 PUT /l_servers/resourceId/attach

Attach disk to virtual server

Attaches a disk to the specified virtual server
12 PUT /l_servers/resourceId/attach

Attach NIC to virtual server

Adds a NIC to the specified virtual server
13 PUT /l_servers/resourceId/detach

Detach disk from virtual server

Detaches a disk from the specified virtual server
14 PUT /l_servers/resourceId/detach

Detach NIC from virtual server

Deletes a NIC from the specified virtual server
15 POST /server_images

Create clone image

Creates a clone image from a virtual server
16 POST /server_images

Create backup image

Creates a backup image from a virtual server.
17 POST /server_images

Create snapshot

Creates a snapshot of a virtual server
18 GET /server_images

Retrieve a list of cloning images

Retrieves a list of clone images
19 GET /server_images

List backup images

List backup images
20 PUT /server_images/cloneImageName/move

Change disclosure scope of clone image

Changes the disclosure scope of the specified clone image
21 PUT /server_images/resourceId/restore

Restore snapshot

Restores a snapshot of the specified virtual server
22 DELETE /server_images/cloneImageName

Delete clone image

Deletes a clone image
23 DELETE /server_images/backupImageName

Delete backup image

Deletes a backup image.
24 DELETE /server_images/resourceId

Delete snapshot

Deletes a snapshot
25 GET /tasks/taskId

Retrieve task details

Retrieves detailed information about the specified task
26 POST /projects

Enable project

Enables projects
27 DELETE /projects/projId

Disable project

Disables the project
28 GET /projects/projId

Retrieve project details

Retrieves detailed information of the project
29 POST /networks

Create network resource

Creates a network resource
30 DELETE /networks/resourceId

Delete network resource

Deletes the specified network resource
31 GET /networks

Retrieve a list of network resources

Retrieves a list of network resources