Show server information with OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr extended attribute

Method URI Description
GET /v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id} Shows information for a specified server. Includes the OSEXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr extended attribute.

Normal response codes: 200


This table shows the URI parameters for the show server information request:

Name Type Description
{tenant_id} String Project ID
{server_id} UUID The UUID for the server of interest to you.

This operation does not require a request body.


Example. Show server information: JSON response

	"server": {
		"accessIPv4": "",
		"accessIPv6": "",
		"addresses": {
			"private": [
					"addr": "",
					"version": 4,
					"OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "00:0c:29:e1:42:90"
		"created": "2013-02-07T18:46:28Z",
		"flavor": {
			"id": "1",
			"links": [
					"href": "",
					"rel": "bookmark"
		"hostId": "4e2003eddbfdb1280c2618d04090bcdd6773203b8da8347af0b2723d",
		"id": "dc7281f9-ee47-40b9-9950-9f73e7961caa",
		"image": {
			"id": "70a599e0-31e7-49b7-b260-868f441e862b",
			"links": [
					"href": "",
					"rel": "bookmark"
		"links": [
				"href": "",
				"rel": "self"
				"href": "",
				"rel": "bookmark"
		"metadata": {
			"My Server Name": "Apache1"
		"name": "new-server-test",
		"progress": 0,
		"status": "ACTIVE",
		"tenant_id": "openstack",
		"updated": "2013-02-07T18:46:29Z",
		"user_id": "fake"