Create snapshot 2

Method URI Description
POST /v1.1/{tenant_id}/os-snapshots Creates a snapshot.

Normal response codes: 200


This table shows the URI parameters for the create snapshot request:

Name Type Description
{tenant_id} String The unique identifier of the project or account.

This table shows the body parameters for the create snapshot request:

Name Type Description
display_name String


A display name for the snapshot.
display_description String


A description of the snapshot.
volume_id uuid The source volume for the snapshot.
force boolean


If true the operation will snapshot the source volume even if it is attached to a server. If it is false it will only snapshot if the volume is not attached.

Example. Create snapshot: JSON request

	"snapshot": {
		"display_name": "snap-001",
		"display_description": "Daily backup",
		"volume_id": "521752a6-acf6-4b2d-bc7a-119f9148cd8c",
		"force": true


Example. Create snapshot: JSON response

	"snapshot": {
		"id": "3fbbcccf-d058-4502-8844-6feeffdf4cb5",
		"displayName": "snap-001",
		"displayDescription": "Daily backup",
		"volumeId": "521752a6-acf6-4b2d-bc7a-119f9148cd8c",
		"status": "available",
		"size": 30,
		"createdAt": "2012-02-29T03:50:07Z"