
Term Description
Domain Namespace that defines administrative boundaries such as a company. Applies to a contracting organization.
Domain name Name used to identify a domain. Unique within the system.
Domain ID ID used to identify a domain. Unique within the system.
Project A large group or organization to which a user belongs.
Default project Project that user belongs to. The default project of the contractor is set to a user when the user is created.

The default project set to the user cannot be changed.

Project name Name used to identify a project. Unique within the domain.
Project ID ID used to identify a project. Unique within the system.
User A person who uses and manages features (or systems, or services).
User name Name used to identify a user. Unique within the domain.
User ID ID used to identify a user. Unique within the system.
Group A collection of users. Roles can be assigned to groups.
Group name Name used to identify a group. Unique within the domain.
Group ID ID used to identify a group. Unique within the system.
Role Information used to assign permissions to people or group.

A role can be used to identify APIs that a user can use.

Role name Name used to identify a role. Unique within the system.
Role ID ID used to identify a role. Unique within the system.
Token Authentication information with expiry that is issued as a proof of authentication.