Show meter statistics (GET /v2/meters/{meter_name}/statistics)
Computes and lists statistics for samples in the specified time range.
{meter_name}: Name of the meter from which to retrieve samples.
Request headers
Refer to "Common API items".
Request parameters
Specifies the following fields for query.
- resource_id: ID of the resource.
- source: Source meter.
- timestamp: Aggregation start/end time
- If timestamp is omitted, the search conditions are set with "timestamp >= currentTime - (period x 1440)" (*1) as the aggregation start time, and "timestamp < currentTime" as the aggregation end time (when the period is 60 (seconds), the range will be up to one day).
- If only the aggregation start time is specified for timestamp, the search conditions are set with the following as the aggregation end time: "aggregationStartTime + (period x 1440) > timestamp" (*1).
- If only the aggregation end time is specified for timestamp, the search conditions are set with the following as the aggregation start time: "aggregationEndTime - (period x 1440) <= timestamp" (*1).
- An error will occur if the range (seconds) of the aggregation start and end times for timestamp is larger than the (period x 1440) value.
*1: If the (period x 1440) value is more than 1209600 (two weeks), it will be handled as 1209600.
- user_id: ID of the user that created the meter.
If omitted, the aggregate results of all samples of the specified meter will be output.
Data type | Cardinality |
String | 0..10 |
Specifies the comparison operator described below.
- If q.field is "resource_id":
eq: Equal to
- If q.field is "source":
eq: Equal to
- If q.field is "timestamp":
gt: Greater than
ge: Greater than or equal to
lt: Less than
le: Less than or equal to
- If q.field is user_id:
eq: Equal to
If omitted, "eq" is used.
Data type | Cardinality |
String | 0..10 |
Specifies the following data value targeted for comparison.
- If q.field is "resource_id":
Resource ID
- If q.field is "source":
- If q.field is "timestamp":
Datetime (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
- If q.field is user_id:
User ID
Valid characters: Fullwidth characters, halfwidth alphanumeric characters and halfwidth symbols
Number of characters: 1 to 255
Data type | Cardinality |
String | 0..10 |
Specifies the following field if aggregating by field.
- resource_id
- user_id
If omitted, aggregation will not be performed by field.
Data type | Cardinality |
String | 0..1 |
Specifies the aggregation interval (seconds).
Range: 60 to 1209600 (can only be specified in multiples of 60)
If omitted, the aggregate results of all samples of the specified range are output.
Data type | Cardinality |
int | 0..1 |
Specifies the following aggregation functions.
- avg: average value
- count: number of samples
- max: maximum value
- min: minimum value
- sum: total value
If omitted, the results of all aggregation functions will be output.
Data type | Cardinality |
String | 0..10 |
Response headers
If normal, the following status is returned.
200: Normal completion
Refer to "Common API error codes" if the state is error.
Data type | Cardinality |
Int | 1..1 |
Response elements
Returns a list of aggregation results in JSON format.
Refer to "type Statistics" for details.
Example of request
Example 1: Specify the datetime of the sample and the user ID for "groupby", and retrieve statistics by user within a specific time range.
curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: ImFkbWluVVJMIjogImh0dHA6Ly8xMC4x . . .' \
Example 2: Specify the aggregation interval and aggregation function, and retrieve the maximum and minimum values on an hourly basis.
curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: ImFkbWluVVJMIjogImh0dHA6Ly8xMC4x . . .' \
Example of response
"avg": 0.041790414908881302,
"count": 1716,
"duration": 89950.0,
"duration_end": "2014-10-23T00:59:22",
"duration_start": "2014-10-22T00:00:12",
"groupby": {
"user_id": "f2ee0c983abf4c65aa44b3328b8a484f"
"max": 0.314285714285714,
"min": 0.0172413793103448,
"period": 0,
"period_end": "2014-10-23T00:59:22",
"period_start": "2014-10-22T00:00:12",
"sum": 71.712351983640303,
"unit": "%"
"avg": 0.048886882955332202,
"count": 905,
"duration": 89858.0,
"duration_end": "2014-10-23T00:59:05",
"duration_start": "2014-10-22T00:01:27",
"groupby": {
"user_id": "0d6293fbdf8948f090b8195bebd8ee8b"
"max": 0.36956521739130399,
"min": 0.0280373831775701,
"period": 0,
"period_end": "2014-10-23T00:59:05",
"period_start": "2014-10-22T00:01:27",
"sum": 44.242629074575603,
"unit": "%"