Obtaining the List of Products and Price information (GET /v1.0/allproducts)

Obtain the list of products and price information (service name, category name, product name, unit, unit price) from the user product catalogue.

Request Headers


Specify the authentication token ID.

Data Type Cardinality
String 1..1

Request Parameter


Specify the language of the product information in the product catalogue (Language which is specified in "Service in" will be used).

In case of Japanese, English, German, as shown below.

Data Type Cardinality
String 1..1


Specify the Reseller ID.

The Reseller ID which belongs to the user will be considered if it is not specified.

Data Type Cardinality
String 0..1


Specify the Service provider ID.

The entire Service provider ID will be considered if it is not specified.

Data Type Cardinality
String 0..1


Specify the Region ID

The entire Region ID will be considered if it is not specified.

Data Type Cardinality
String 0..1


Specify the Service ID

The entire Service ID will be considered if it is not specified.

Service ID's which exists are as follows.

Message Queue
Mail Delivery
Application Deployment
Data Type Cardinality
String 0..1


Specify the reference date.

Specify the reference date in accordance with the following ISO8601 compliance.


However, the above mentioned reference date cannot be specified as a future date (current and past dates only). If specified it will cause an error.

System Date will be used in case if it is not specified.

Data Type Cardinality
String 0..1

Response Headers


"Application/xml" will be specified.

Data Type Cardinality
String 1..1

Response Elements


Displays the entire product and price information (root element).

Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
String 1..1 None Catalog


Displays the product and price information that are attached to 1 reseller.

* Conditions when tags are not displayed are as follows.

When there is no product information (product ID) in catalog or if it is disabled completely.

Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
String 0..1 CatalogList ResellerId



Reseller ID

* If Catalog tag is not displayed, then this tag also will not be displayed.

Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
String 0..1 Catalog None


Displays the product and price information attached to 1 region.

* Conditions when tags are not displayed are as follows.

When there is no region information (RegionID) in catalog or if it is disabled completely.

* If Catalog tag is not displayed, then this tag also will not be displayed.

Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
String 0..n Catalog RegionId



Region ID

* If Catalog and Region tags are not displayed, then this tag will also not be displayed.

Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
String 0..1 Region None


Displays the product and price information attached to 1 service provider.

* If Catalog and Region tags are not displayed, then this tag will also not be displayed.

Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
String 0..n Region ServiceProviderId



Service Provider ID

* If Catalog and Region tags are not displayed, then this tag will also not be displayed.

Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
String 0..1 ServiceProvider None


Displays the product and price information attached to 1 service.

* Conditions when tags are not displayed are as follows.

When there is no service information (ServiceName) in catalog or if it is disabled completely.

* If Catalog and Region tags are not displayed, then this tag will also not be displayed.

Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
String 0..n ServiceProvider ServiceName



Service Name

The following are the attributes.
* If Catalog, Region and Service tag does not display, then this tag also will not be displayed.
Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
String 0..1 Service None


Displays the product and price information attached to 1 category.

* Conditions when tags are not displayed are as follows.

When there is no category information (CategoryName) in catalog or if it is disabled completely.

* If Catalog, Region and Service tag does not display, then this tag also will not be displayed.

Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
String 0..n Service CategoryName



Category Name

The following are the attributes.
* If Catalog, Region, Service and Category tags are not displayed, then this tag will also not be displayed.
Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
String 0..1 Category None


Displays the products and price information that is attached to 1 product.

* Conditions when tags are not displayed are as follows.

If neither the product information (Product Name), nor the unit information (unit information) exists in Product, or if it is disabled completely.

* If Catalog, Region, Service and Category tags are not displayed, then this tag will also not be displayed.

Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
String 0..n Category ProductId






Product ID

* If Catalog, Region, Service, Category and Product tags are not displayed, then this tag will also not be displayed.

Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
String 0..1 Product None


Product ID

The following are the attributes.
* If Catalog, Region, Service, Category and Product tags are not displayed, then this tag will also not be displayed.
Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
String 0..1 String 1..1


Unit name

The following are the attributes.
* If Catalog, Region, Service, Category and Product tags are not displayed, then this tag will also not be displayed.
Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
String 0..1 Product None


Displays the initial price information.

* If Catalog, Region, Service, Category and Product tags are not displayed, then this tag will also not be displayed.

Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
String 0..1 Product UnitPrice


Product unit cost (initial cost)

The following are the attributes.
Currency ID to be applied to the product unit price (currency code of ISO 4217)
Returns the currency ID which the operator had registered before.

Therefore, the upper limit of the number of occurrences (n) of element will become the number of registered currency ID.

If the unit price for the currency ID is not specified, only the tag containing the attribute (without value) is returned.

* If Catalog, Region, Service, Category and Product tags are not displayed, then this tag will also not be displayed.

Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
String 0..n InitialCharge None


[If the accounting system is either fixed billing or usage-based billing]

Displays the monthly price information

The following are the attributes.
Registration sequence

Fixed value ("1").

* If Catalog, Region, Service, Category and Product tags are not displayed, then this tag will also not be displayed.
Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
String 0..1 Product UnitPrice

[If the billing system is variable usage billing]

Shows the monthly price information that includes the information about the variations.

The following are the attributes.
Registration sequence

The number registered by the user will be assigned in a specified order.

* If Catalog, Region, Service, Category and Product tags are not displayed, then this tag will also not be displayed.
Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
String 0..n Product Description



[If the accounting system is either fixed billing or usage-based billing]

Since the value does not change, this information is not used (Not returned for both Tag and value)

Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
String 0..0 - -

[If the billing system is variable usage billing]

Description regarding the price fluctuation.

The following are the attributes.
* If Catalog, Region, Service, Category and Product tags are not displayed, then this tag will also not be displayed.
Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
String 0..1 MonthlyChargeInfo None


Product unit price (monthly fee)

The following are the attributes.
Currency ID to be applied to the product unit price (currency code of ISO 4217)
Returns the currency ID which the operator had registered before.

Therefore, the upper limit of the number of occurrences (n) of element will become the number of registered currency ID.

If the unit price for the currency ID is not specified, only the tag containing the attribute (without value) is returned.

* If Catalog, Region, Service, Category and Product tags are not displayed, then this tag will also not be displayed.

Data Type Cardinality Parent Element Child Element(s)
String 0..n MonthlyChargeInfo None

Example of Request

X-Auth-Token:MIIZuwYJKoZIhvcNAQc…(Authentication Token ID is not mentioned).       

Example of Response

[If Billing method is Fixed billing, Usage based Billing and Unit price is specified]

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun,31 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMT
Content-Length: 5000
Content-Type: application/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <ServiceName xml:lang="en">compute</ServiceName> 
      <CategoryName xml:lang="en">VM Service</CategoryName> 
       <ProductName xml:lang="en">VM Service S-1Type</ProductName>
       <UnitName xml:lang="en">hours</UnitName>
        <UnitPrice currencyid="JPY">0</UnitPrice>
        <UnitPrice currencyid="AUD">0</UnitPrice>
        …(* Multiple UnitPrice responses also possible)
       <MonthlyChargeInfo order="1">
        <UnitPrice currencyid="JPY">10</UnitPrice>
        <UnitPrice currencyid="AUD">0.01</UnitPrice>
        …(* Multiple UnitPrice responses also possible)
      …(* Multiple Product responses also possible)
     …(* Multiple category responses also possible)
    …(* Multiple Service responses also possible)
   …(* Multiple Service Provider responses also possible)
  …(* Multiple Region responses also possible)

[If the billing method is variable usage based billing, specify unit price in currency (JPY) and if currency is not specified in (AUD)].

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun,31 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMT
Content-Length: 5000
Content-Type: application/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <ServiceName xml:lang="en">mail</ServiceName> 
      <CategoryName xml:lang="en">Mail Send Service</CategoryName> 
       <ProductName xml:lang="en">Mail Send Service Mail Count</ProductName>
       <UnitName xml:lang="en">none</UnitName>
        <UnitPrice currencyid="JPY">0</UnitPrice>
        <UnitPrice currencyid="AUD"></UnitPrice>
        …(* Multiple UnitPrice responses also possible)
       <MonthlyChargeInfo order="1">
        <Description xml:lang="en">0[messages/month]</Description>
        <UnitPrice currencyid="JPY">0</UnitPrice>
        <UnitPrice currencyid="AUD"></UnitPrice>
        …(* Multiple UnitPrice responses also possible)
       <MonthlyChargeInfo order="2">
        <Description xml:lang="en">under 10,000[messages/month]</Description>
        <UnitPrice currencyid="JPY">3500</UnitPrice>
        <UnitPrice currencyid="AUD"></UnitPrice>
        …(* Multiple UnitPrice responses also possible)
       …(* Multiple MonthlyChargeInfo responses also possible)
      …(* Multiple Product responses also possible)
     …(* Multiple Category responses also possible)
    …(* Multiple Service responses also possible)
   …(* Multiple ServiceProvider responses also possible)
  …(* Multiple Region responses also possible)

[When there is no product information (ProductID) in catalog or if it is disabled completely]

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun,31 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMT
Content-Length: 5000
Content-Type: application/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

[When there is no region information (RegionD) in catalog or if it is disabled completely]

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun,31 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMT
Content-Length: 5000
Content-Type: application/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

[When there is no service information (ServiceName) in catalog or if it is disabled completely]

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun,31 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMT
Content-Length: 5000
Content-Type: application/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   …(* Multiple ServiceProvider responses also possible)
  …(* Multiple Region responses also possible)

[When there is no category information (CategoryName) in catalog or if it is disabled completely]

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun,31 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMT
Content-Length: 5000
Content-Type: application/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <ServiceName xml:lang="en">compute</ServiceName>
    …(* Multiple Service responses also possible)
   …(* Multiple ServiceProvider responses also possible)
  …(* Multiple Region responses also possible)

[If neither product information (ProductName), nor the unit information (UnitName) exists or if it is disabled completely (End of Application)]

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun,31 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMT
Content-Length: 5000
Content-Type: application/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <ServiceName xml:lang="en">compute</ServiceName> 
      <CategoryName xml:lang="en">VM Service</CategoryName>
     …(* Multiple Category responses also possible)
    …(* Multiple Service responses also possible)
   …(* Multiple ServiceProvider responses also possible)
  …(* Multiple Region responses also possible)