Register a schedule

Method URI Description
POST /autoscale_schedulers Registers a schedule

Normal response codes: 200


  • Registration of schedules must be performed by the same user who created the stack for executing schedules.
  • In addition to the above condition, registration of schedules when using custom roles must be performed by a user for whom the orch_scheduler_create and orch_create roles were set.
  • While the schedule feature is being used, do not delete the roles specified for the user when creating stacks and registering schedules.


This table shows the URI parameters for the request body.

Name Type Description
name String Specify a name for identifying the schedule.

A unique name is required for all projects in a region.

Specify a name using up to 64 alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9). The name is case-sensitive.

method String Specify POST.
url String Specify the signal URL.


Note: Specify http for a URL scheme.

time String Specify a datetime for executing the REST API (Specify using UTC).

The format must comply with the cron command.

project_id String Specify the ID of the project for which schedule processing will be executed.

Example. Create schedule: JSON request

	"name": "sample2",
	"time": "*/5 * * * *",


Example. Create server group: JSON response

	"time":"*/5 * * * *",