List clone images


Lists clone images.



Accept: application/xml

X-Auth-Token: Keystone token (*1)

X-VA-Project-Id: ID of the project that owns the resource (*2)

X-VA-Domain-Id: ID of the domain that owns the resource (*2)

*1: The scope specified for the token is ignored when this API is executed by the system administrator.

*2: Mandatory when this API is executed by the system administrator. ignored when executed by other users.






Argument name Description
verbose To retrieve only some of the information, specify "false", or to retrieve all of the information, specify "true". If omitted, "false" is used.
mode Specify "cloning".
disksize Specify "true" to retrieve disk information held by a clone image.

Specify "false" to not retrieve disk information held by a clone image. If omitted, "false" will be used.

availability_zone Specifies the name of the availability zone where the list of clone images will be retrieved from.

If omitted, a list of clone images will be retrieved from all availability zones.


Status code

200 OK


If verbose=false, mode=cloning, and disksize=false:

        <ServerImage name="imageName1">
         <ServerImage name="imageName2">

If verbose=true, mode=cloning, and disksize=false:

        <ServerImage name="imageName1">
        <ServerImage name="imageName2">

If verbose=true, mode=cloning, and disksize=true:

        <ServerImage name="imageName1">
        <ServerImage name="imageName2">

- If "availability_zone" was specified:

Only images located in the specified availability zone are displayed.

Example: If verbose=false, mode=cloning, and disksize=false:

If some images have availability_zone specified:

        <ServerImage name="imageName1">
         <ServerImage name="imageName2">

Item Description Details
Image Name of image Name of the clone image.
image DisclosureScope The scope of disclosure of an image
  • public

    Displayed when the image is public.

  • domain>

    Displayed when a private image is disclosed inside the domain.

  • private

    Displayed when a private image is only disclosed inside the project.

idOfProjWhereImageWasCreated ID of the project where the image was created ID of the project where the clone image was created.

Note that for public images, the Project tag will not be displayed.

availZone Name of the availability zone where the virtual server exists Availability zone name
comment Comment of image String of up to 128 characters using halfwidth or fullwidth characters, except for percent (%), backslash (\), double quotation mark ("), and line feed characters.
creationDatetime Datetime when image was created (local time) YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss±hh:mm
diskNum Number of the disk that the virtual server is connected to when the target image is distributed Fixed as "0".
diskSize Capacity of the target disk Disk capacity in GB