Get image details 1

Method URI Description
GET /v2/{tenant_id}/images/{image_id} Gets details for a specified image.

Normal response codes: 200, 203


This table shows the URI parameters for the get image details request:

Name Type Description
{image_id} UUID The UUID for the image.
{tenant_id} UUID Project ID

This operation does not require a request body.


Example. Get image details: JSON response

	"image": {
		"created": "2011-01-01T01:02:03Z",
		"id": "70a599e0-31e7-49b7-b260-868f441e862b",
		"links": [
				"href": "",
				"rel": "self"
				"href": "",
				"rel": "bookmark"
				"href": "",
				"rel": "alternate",
				"type": "application/vnd.openstack.image"
		"metadata": {
			"architecture": "x86_64",
			"auto_disk_config": "True",
			"kernel_id": "nokernel",
			"ramdisk_id": "nokernel"
		"minDisk": 0,
		"minRam": 0,
		"name": "fakeimage7",
		"progress": 100,
		"status": "ACTIVE",
		"updated": "2011-01-01T01:02:03Z"