Resize server

Method URI Description
POST /v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/action Resizes the specified server. Specify the resize action in the request body.

Normal response codes: 202


  • To confirm changes, execute "Confirm resized server" after changes are completed.
    1. Check that the server status is VERIFY_RESIZE.
    2. Execute "Confirm resized server".
    Refer to "Get server details" for details on the API for checking the server status. Refer to "Confirm resized server" for details on how to confirm a resize action.
  • If retrieval of metadata fails, the initial user password may be locked.

    By configuring the setting below, the password will no longer be locked from the next restart.

    • Deploy the cloud-init configuration file.
      # cat << EOF > /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/datasource.cfg
      datasource_list: ['OpenStack']


This table shows the URI parameters for the resize server request:

Name Type Description
{tenant_id} UUID Project ID
{server_id} UUID The UUID for the server.

This table shows the body parameters for the resize server request:

Name Type Description
flavorRef String Reference to the flavor.

Example. Resize server: JSON request

	"resize": {
		"flavorRef": "2"


This operation does not return a response body.