Extend size of volume

Method URI Description
POST /v2/{tenant_id}/volumes/{volume_id}/action Extend size of volume

Normal response codes: 202


It is necessary to restart the operating system or create a file system for the new size to be recognized by the operating system.

To guarantee proper operation, use this API after shelving an existing space that is in use.


This table shows the URI parameters for the extend size of volume request:

Name Type Description
{tenant_id} String The unique identifier of the project or account.
{volume_id} UUID The unique identifier of an existing volume.

This table shows the body parameters for the extend size of volume request:

Name Type Description
new_size Integer Specifies the size to extend the volume to.

Example. Create volume: JSON request

	"os-extend": {
		"new_size": 20


This operation does not return a response body.