Show volume information 2

Method URI Description
GET /v1.1/{tenant_id}/os-volumes/{volume_id} Shows information for a specified volume

Normal response codes: 200


This table shows the URI parameters for the show volume information request:

Name Type Description
{tenant_id} String The unique identifier of the project or account.
{volume_id} UUID The unique identifier for a volume.

This operation does not require a request body.


Example. Show volume information: JSON response

	"volume": {
		"id": "521752a6-acf6-4b2d-bc7a-119f9148cd8c",
		"displayName": "vol-001",
		"displayDescription": "Another volume.",
		"size": 30,
		"volumeType": "289da7f8-6440-407c-9fb4-7db01ec49164",
		"metadata": {
			"contents": "junk"
		"availabilityZone": "us-east1",
		"snapshotId": null,
		"attachments": [],
		"createdAt": "2012-02-14T20:53:07Z"