Create key metadata (POST /v1/{tenant_id}/secrets)

Creates key metadata.

{tenant_id}: Project ID used to register key metadata

Request headers


Specify the authentication token.

Data type Cardinality
String 1..1


Specify the request body type.

Valid values: application/json

Data type Cardinality
String 1..1

Request parameters


Request body


Key name

Valid characters: Halfwidth alphanumeric characters and halfwidth symbols

Number of characters: 1 to 255

If omitted, the resource ID of the key metadata is used

Data type Cardinality
String 0..1


Key expiry datetime Value is returned in ISO-8601 format. When the expiry datetime is reached, the key is automatically deleted. If omitted, null is used, and the information will not be deleted automatically.

Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSSSSData type

Data type Cardinality
datetime 0..1


Payload of the key metadata to be registered.

While payload is optional, if it is specified, a null string cannot be used. To escape line feeds, specify "\n".

Line feeds can be specified as is.

Example: "-----BEGIN XXXX-----

> MIIEowIBAAKCAQEAuyWf1R49q5ccq60LoJ1MHf0lQ"

>-----END XXXX-----

If "text/plain" is specified for payload_content_type, the value must meet the following conditions:

  • It must include a segment beginning with "-----BEGIN XXX-----" and ending in "-----END XXX-----"
  • The segment beginning with "-----BEGIN XXX-----" and ending in "-----END XXX-----", only the following characters are valid:
    • Up to 64 characters per line
    • A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +/=

Number of characters: Unlimited (the actual limit is the number of bytes for Body)

Data type Cardinality
String 0..1


Format to use in the response for the key information payload

This is required if "payload" is specified

Valid values: "text/plain", "text/plain;charset=utf-8","text/plain; charset=utf-8", "application/octet-stream"

Data type Cardinality
Enum("text/plain", "text/plain;charset=utf-8","text/plain; charset=utf-8", "application/octet-stream") 0..1


Encryption format

This item cannot be specified if any of the following are specified for payload_content_type: "text/plain", "text/plain;charset=utf-8", "text/plain; charset=utf-8"

This item is required if "application/octet-stream" is specified for payload_content_type

Valid value: base64

Data type Cardinality
Enum(base64) 0..1

Response headers


The following error codes can be returned for the request.

One of the following values will be returned.

Normal completion
Authentication error (no authentication token, incorrect authentication token, etc.)
Invalid access (invalid parameter, etc.)
Cannot access (no privileges)
No applicable resources
The key metadata exceeds 10000 bytes
An unsupported Content-Type was specified
Unexpected error
Data type Cardinality
int 1..1

Response elements


Resource URI allocated to the registered key metadata

Data type Cardinality Parent element Child element
String 1..1 None None

Example of request

POST /v1/a759452216fd41cf8ee5aba321cfbd49/secrets
X-Auth-Token: "JpZCI6ICJjM2VlNzA4YTZhZTI0ZGRmOTJjMDc4 . . ."
Content-Type: "application/json"
  "name": "key1",
  "expiration": "2015-02-28T19:14:44.180394",
  "payload":"-----BEGIN XXXX-----MIIEow . . . Rwg7Jp-----END XXXX-----",
  "payload_content_type": "text/plain",
  "payload_content_encoding": "base64"

Example of response

Status Code: 201 Created
Content-Length: 118
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Location: http://<host>:9311/ a759452216fd41cf8ee5aba321cfbd49/secrets/a417d40d-cec7-4129-a5ad-afaac6fab603

{"secret_ref": "http://<host>:9311/v1/ a759452216fd41cf8ee5aba321cfbd49/secrets/a417d40d-cec7-4129-a5ad-afaac6fab603"}