type AlarmTimeConstraint


Description of the time constraint.

Valid characters: Fullwidth characters, halfwidth alphanumeric characters and halfwidth symbols

Number of characters: 1 to 1023

If omitted during creation, a value based on the content of the specified start and duration is used.

Data type Cardinality Parent element Child element
String 0..1 None None


Duration (seconds) of the constraint.

The timeframe calculated by adding "duration" to the start datetime (specified in "start") becomes the alarm evaluation expiry period.

Range: 60 to 86400

Data type Cardinality Parent element Child element
int 1..1 None None


Name of the constraint.

Valid characters: Fullwidth characters, halfwidth alphanumeric characters and halfwidth symbols

Number of characters: 1 to 255

Data type Cardinality Parent element Child element
String 1..1 None None


Start datetime of the constraint, in cron format.

"Minutes hours days months day of week"

The range of each of the field values is as follows (refer to the cron format for details).
  • Minutes: 0 to 59
  • Hours: 0 to 23
  • Days: 1 to 31
  • Day of week: 0 to 7 (0, 7: Sunday, 1: Monday, . . . , 6: Saturday)

Example: If the start time is 8:50 daily:

"50 8 * * *"

Data type Cardinality Parent element Child element
cron 1..1 None None


Time zone of the datetime specified in "start".

Specify a time zone prescribed by IANA.

Example: "Asia/Tokyo"

If omitted, "UTC" is used.

Data type Cardinality Parent element Child element
Datetime 1..1 None None