Check the meter statistics

Execute the show meter statistics API to retrieve sample statistics, and check if the conditions exceed the threshold.

Example format

curl -s -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" "
  • Specify the values of each item of "threshold_rule" obtained when checking the alarm details.
  • Specify the query ("q") fields "field", "op", and "value", for each condition in the threshold rule.
  • Specify the datetimes using the format "YYYY-MM-DDThh%3Amm%3Ass".
    • YYYY: Year, MM: Month, DD: Day, hh: Hour, mm: minutes, ss: seconds. The first half of the query concerns the start datetime, and the latter half concerns the end datetime (startDatetime <= timestamp < endDatetime). Specify the timeframe to be checked (in UTC).
    • "%3A" is the encoded value for ":". Specify it as is.
  • Refer to "Show meter statistics (GET /v2/meters/{meter_name}/statistics)" for details on the parameters.

Example of request

The example below retrieves meter statistics based on the parameters specified for the threshold alarm:

curl -s -H "X-Auth-Token: . . ." "

Example of response

        "avg": 0.0,
        "count": 1,
        "duration": 0.0,
        "duration_end": "2015-07-18T00:14:49",
        "duration_start": "2015-07-18T00:14:49",
        "groupby": null,
        "max": 0.0,
        "min": 0.0,
        "period": 60,
        "period_end": "2015-07-18T00:01:00",
        "period_start": "2015-07-18T00:00:00",
        "sum": 0.0,
        "unit": "%"
    . . .
        "avg": 0.40000000000000002,
        "count": 1,
        "duration": 0.0,
        "duration_end": "2015-07-18T00:41:54",
        "duration_start": "2015-07-18T00:41:54",
        "groupby": null,
        "max": 0.40000000000000002,
        "min": 0.40000000000000002,
        "period": 60,
        "period_end": "2015-07-18T01:00:00",
        "period_start": "2015-07-18T00:59:00",
        "sum": 0.40000000000000002,
        "unit": "%"

  • Check if there are sample statistics that satisfy the threshold conditions (specified in "threshold" and "comparison_operator" items of "threshold_rule") of the alarm in the specified timeframe.