Update floating IP

Updates a floating IP and its association with an internal port.



Description of the URI:

{floatingip_id} UUID The UUID of the floating IP.

HTTP method


Request parameter

Key Description Type Required/optional
port_id The port ID. csapi:uuid Required
fixed_ip_address The fixed IP address associated with the floating IP. xsd:string Optional

Example request

    "floatingip": {
        "port_id": "fc861431-0e6c-4842-a0ed-e2363f9bc3a8"

Response status

Status code Description
200 Normal response codes
badRequest (400) Error response codes
unauthorized (401) Error response codes
itemNotFound (404) Error response codes


Confirm the following two points when floating IP exists.
  1. Subnet that the specified port belongs must be attached to router.
  2. External network must be attached to same router described in 1.

conflict (409) Error response codes

Response body (normal status)

    "floatingip": {
        "router_id": "d23abc8d-2991-4a55-ba98-2aaea84cc72f",
        "tenant_id": "4969c491a3c74ee4af974e6d800c62de",
        "floating_network_id": "376da547-b977-4cfe-9cba-275c80debf57",
        "fixed_ip_address": "",
        "floating_ip_address": "",
        "port_id": "fc861431-0e6c-4842-a0ed-e2363f9bc3a8",
        "id": "2f245a7b-796b-4f26-9cf9-9e82d248fda7",
        "availability_zone": "AZ1"

Description of response body (normal status)

Item Description
floatingip A floatingip object.
tenant_id The project ID.
router_id The router ID.
status The floatingip status.
floating_network_id The ID of the network associated with the floating IP.
fixed_ip_address The fixed IP address associated with the floating IP.
floating_ip_address The floating IP address.
port_id The port ID.
id The floating IP ID.
availability_zone The Availability Zone name.