API List

Load balancer

Item API Description
1 ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancer Associates one or more security groups with the load balancer
2 AttachLoadBalancerToSubnets Attaches one or more subnets to the load balancer
3 ConfigureHealthCheck Specifies the health check settings to use when evaluating the health state of the distribution destination instances of the specified load balancer
4 CreateLBCookieStickinessPolicy Generates a session stickiness policy
5 CreateLoadBalancer Creates a load balancer
6 CreateLoadBalancerListeners Creates one or more listeners for the port specified in the load balancer
7 CreateLoadBalancerPolicy Creates a policy including required attributes according to its type
8 CreateSorryServerRedirectionPolicy Creates a policy for redirecting to the SorryServer when unable to distribute due to the distribution destination instances not all being in an active state.
9 DeleteLoadBalancer Deletes the specified load balancer
10 DeleteLoadBalancerListeners Deletes a listener of the specified port number from the load balancer
11 DeleteLoadBalancerPolicy Deletes a specified policy from the load balancer
12 DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer Deletes the specified instance from the load balancer
13 DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes Retrieves attribute information of the load balancer that was created
14 DescribeLoadBalancerPolicies Retrieves policy information from the load balancer
15 DescribeLoadBalancers Retrieves detailed information of the load balancer that was created
16 DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnets Detaches the subnets from the load balancer
17 ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes Changes attribute information of the specified load balancer
18 RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer Adds an instance to the load balancer
19 SetLoadBalancerListenerSSLCertificate Sets the certificate of the end of SSL communications for the specified listener
20 SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListener Registers, deregisters, and changes policies that are applied to a listener of the load balancer