Query Requests and Response


This section describes query requests. A query request can be a HTTP or HTTPS request described in HTTP methods (GET or POST) containing the Action query parameter.


Query requests

A query request comprises the following.

  • Endpoint

    URL that functions as the entry point of a web service.

  • Action

    Action to be executed.

    This is one of the parameters, specified as Action=<action>.

  • Parameter

    Each parameter is delimited by an ampersand (&).

    Among the parameters are list structure items.

    These lists are specified using the expression param.n.

    n is an integer starting from 1.

Query request example

In the example below, "https://loadbalancing.(regionName).cloud.global.fujitsu.com/" is the endpoint, "CreateLoadBalancer" is the action, and the remainder are the parameters.


Query response

The structure of a query response is specific to the operation.

The request ID is included in the requestId element of all responses.

The request ID is required for troubleshooting issues.

When an API other than "DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes", "DescribeLoadBalancerPolicies", or "DescribeLoadBalancers" is executed and a normal response with status code 200 is returned, check the result in "DescribeLoadBalancers". Confirm that the State is InService and then execute the next API.

When a status code other than 200 is returned, refer to "Common Errors" or Errors of the executed API to remove the cause of the error.

Query response example

In the example below, the request ID is "1549581b-12b7-11e3-895e-1334aEXAMPLE".

  "CreateLoadBalancerResponse": {
    "CreateLoadBalancerResult": {
      "DNSName": "MyLB01-3b9c2b0f028f40e09d6306887646c28b.elb.tps5.fujitsu.com"
    "ResponseMetadata": {
      "RequestId": "1549581b-12b7-11e3-895e-1334aEXAMPLE"