Update network

Updates a specified network.



Description of the URI:

{network_id} UUID The UUID for the network of interest to you.

HTTP method


Request parameter

Key Description Type Required/optional
admin_state_up The administrative state of the network, which is up (true) or down (false). xsd:bool Optional
name The network name. xsd:string Optional

Example request

    "network": {
        "name": "sample_network_5_updated"

Response status

Status code Description
200 Normal response codes
badRequest (400) Error response codes
unauthorized (401) Error response codes
forbidden (403) Error response codes
itemNotFound (404) Error response codes

Response body (normal status)

    "network": {
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "subnets": [],
        "name": "sample_network_5_updated",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "tenant_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869",
        "router:external": false,
        "mtu": 0,
        "shared": false,
        "id": "1f370095-98f6-4079-be64-6d3d4a6adcc6",
        "availability_zone": "AZ1"

Description of response body (normal status)

Item Description
status The network status.
subnets The associated subnets.
name The network name.
admin_state_up The administrative state of the network, which is up (true) or down (false).
tenant_id The project ID.
router:external Specifies whether the network is an external network or not.
shared Indicates whether this network is shared across all projects. By default, only administrative users can change this value.
id The network ID.
availability_zone The Availability Zone name
mtu The MTU of a network resource.

This value is 0.