Database as a Service

Database as a Service facilitates setup and operations (such as scaling or backup) of cloud-based relational databases. Database as a Service reduces the burden on customers through use of an active-standby configuration that is constructed in environments that are physically separated, and automatic backups to cloud storage.

Benefits for Users

Users can utilize this service only when needed, and can use the database environment immediately whenever it is needed. In addition, users can leave the time-consuming operations to the side that provides the services, so that users can focus on developing business applications.

Figure: Value Provided By Database as a Service

Available Database Engines

Shown below is the compatibility information from the application perspective regarding database engines that are provided by this service. Use this service with applications intended for the products of the version levels included in the following table.

Table 1. Compatibility Information for Database Engines
Product Name Version / Level Remarks
Enterprise Postgres 9.6 Equivalent to PostgreSQL 9.6
Symfoware Server 12.1 Equivalent to PostgreSQL 9.2