Additional Storage

When you need additional disk space, create new block storage and attach it to the virtual server as additional storage. You can select a storage type when you create a new block storage.

Tip: If you detach the additional storage before deleting a virtual server, you can reuse the data in the storage.
Note: Take care to ensure that block storage is not deleted while it is being used.
Note: If you create a block storage by restoring it from an existing volume or a snapshot, you cannot change the storage type.

When adding or deleting storage to Windows virtual servers of the standard service, make the following changes to the SAN policy. If these changes are not made, it may not be possible for virtual servers to correctly recognize storage after they are rebooted.

  1. Start a command prompt with Administrator privileges.
  2. Enter "DISKPART" and then press the Enter key.
  3. Enter "san", and then press the Enter key. Check that "san policy=Offline Shared" is displayed.
  4. Enter "san policy=OnlineAll", and then press the Enter key.
  5. Enter "san", and then press the Enter key. Confirm that display has changed to "san policy=OnlineAll".
  6. Enter "exit", press the Enter key, and finish DISKPART.
  7. Close the command prompt.