Request creation procedure
- After logging in to the Portal, selecting "IaaS Portal" from the "Management" tab displays the "IaaS Dashboard" as below.
- Select the region you want to create the stack in.
- Select the project you want to create the stack in.
- Clicking "API Execution" in the menu on the left displays the "API Execution" window.
- Select "POST" from the HTTP methods.
- Select "orchestration" from the endpoints.
- Add "/stacks" to the end of the displayed URI.
Input the JSON string in the request body, using the format below.
{ "stack_name": "<stack name> ", "template": "<template text value>", "template_url": "<template file url >", "parameters": { "<param_name-n>":"<param_value-n>", ... } }
*There are other options for the API, but they are not introduced here. For details, refer to the "API Reference - Application Platform Service".
The following is an example of an actual input window. The content input in "template" is an escaped version of the content in "Sample system configuration - Example Heat template".
Click "Execute API".
When "Response": 201 is returned in the Response field, the creation request was successful.
- As confirmation is necessary later on, make a note of the stack ID in the response.