outputs Section

The outputs section defines output parameters that should be available to users.

The parameters defined here can be referenced by users as stack information. For example, output parameters are used for the IP address of deployed instances, or, the URL of a web application deployed to a stack.

  <parameter name>:
    description: <description>
    value: <parameter value>

For details of the method to use "outputs" for viewing, refer to "Referring to outputs".

Element Required Description
<parameter name> Yes Defines the name of a unique output parameter in the outputs section.
description No Defines the description of an output parameter.
value No Defines the value of an output parameter. get_attr can be used to obtain resource information. If omitted, a null character is used as the default value of an output parameter.

The example below defines the output parameter instance_ip used to obtain the IP address of a compute resource.

    type: OS::Nova::Server
    description: IP address of the deployed compute instance
    value: { get_attr: [my_instance, first_address] }