Find stack

Method URI Description
GET /v1/{tenant_id}/stacks/{stack_name} Finds the canonical URL for a specified stack.

Also works with verbs other than GET, so you can perform PUT and DELETE operations on a current stack. Set your client to follow redirects. Note that when redirecting, the request method should not change, as defined in RFC2626. However, in many clients the default behavior is to change the method to GET when you receive a 302 because this behavior is ubiquitous in web browsers.

Normal response codes: 302

Error response codes: badRequest (400), unauthorized (401), notFound (404), internalServerError (500)


This table shows the parameters for the find stack request:

Parameter Style Type Required Description
tenant_id URI String Yes Project ID
stack_name URI String Yes The name of a stack.

This operation does not accept a request body.