Show stack details

Method URI Description
GET /v1/{tenant_id}/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id} Shows details for a specified stack.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest (400), unauthorized (401), notFound (404), internalServerError (500)


This table shows the parameters for the show stack details request:

Parameter Style Type Required Description
tenant_id URI String Yes Project ID
stack_name URI String Yes The name of a stack.
stack_id URI String Yes The unique identifier for a stack.

This operation does not accept a request body.


Example. Show stack details: JSON response

	"stack": {
		"capabilities": [],
		"creation_time": "2014-06-03T20:59:46Z",
		"description": "sample stack",
		"disable_rollback": "True",
		"id": "3095aefc-09fb-4bc7-b1f0-f21a304e864c",
		"links": [
				"href": " eb1c63a4f77141548385f113a28f0f52/stacks/simple_stack/3095aefc-09fb-4bc7-b1f0- f21a304e864c",
				"rel": "self"
		"notification_topics": [],
		"outputs": [],
		"parameters": {
			"OS::stack_id": "3095aefc-09fb-4bc7-b1f0-f21a304e864c",
			"OS::stack_name": "simple_stack"
		"stack_name": "simple_stack",
		"stack_status": "CREATE_COMPLETE",
		"stack_status_reason": "Stack CREATE completed successfully", "template_description": "sample stack",
		"timeout_mins": "", 
		"updated_time": ""