List stack data

Method URI Description
GET /v1/{tenant_id}/stacks{?status, name,limit,marker,sort_keys, sort_dir} Lists active stacks.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest (400), unauthorized (401), internalServerError (500)


This table shows the parameters for the list stack data request:

Parameter Style Type Required Description
tenant_id URI String Yes Project ID
status query String No The status of stacks to list. The "name=value" pair can be specified as the query string multiple times. The valid statuses are shown below:
name query String No The name of a stack to list. The "name=value" pair can be specified as the query string multiple times.
limit query String No The number of stacks to list. This parameter is used in conjunction with the marker parameter.
marker query String No Specifies the ID of the last stack from the stack list retrieved with the specified limit parameter. Retrieves the list of stacks in the specified sort order beginning with the stack that follows the one with the specified ID. The default sort order is descending order of stack creation datetime. If an ID of a non-existing stack is specified, this option is ignored.
sort_keys query String No Specifies an item to sort on. Multiple items separated with commas can be specified as the query string. The valid items are shown below. If omitted, created_at will be used.
  • name
  • status
  • created_at
  • updated_at
sort_dir query String No Specifies the sort order.
  • asc

    Sorts in ascending order.

  • desc

    Sorts in descending order.

This operation does not accept a request body.


Example. List stack data: JSON response

	"stacks": [
			"creation_time": "2014-06-03T20:59:46Z", 
			"description": "sample stack",
			"id": "3095aefc-09fb-4bc7-b1f0-f21a304e864c", 
			"links": [
					"href": " eb1c63a4f77141548385f113a28f0f52/stacks/simple_stack/3095aefc-09fb-4bc7-b1f0- f21a304e864c",
					"rel":  "self"
			"stack_name": "simple_stack",
			"stack_status": "CREATE_COMPLETE",
			"stack_status_reason": "Stack CREATE completed successfully",
			"updated_time": ""