Validate template

Method URI Description
POST /v1/{tenant_id}/validate Validates a specified template.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest (400), unauthorized (401), notFound (404), internalServerError (500)



It is necessary to set full permission ".r:*" for the read ACL of the container in which the template file specified in template_url is stored.

This table shows the parameters for the validate template request:

Parameter Style Type Required Description
tenant_id URI String Yes Project ID
template_url URI String No The URL for a template. This parameter is ignored if the template parameter is specified.

Specify either the template_url or template parameter.

template URI String No The string for a template. This parameter has priority if it is specified with templete_url.

Specify either the template_url or template parameter.

Example. Validate template: JSON request

	"template_url": "{template_url}"