Update stack

Method URI Description
PUT /v1/{tenant_id}/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id} Updates a specified stack.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest (400), unauthorized (401), notFound (404), internalServerError (500)



It is necessary to set full permission ".r:*" for the read ACL of the container in which the template file specified in template_url is stored.

This table shows the parameters for the update stack request:

Parameter Style Type Required Description
tenant_id URI String Yes Project ID
stack_name URI String Yes The name of a stack.
stack_id URI String Yes The unique identifier for a stack.
template_url plain String No The URL for a template. This parameter is ignored if the template parameter is specified.

Specify either the template_url or template parameter.

template plain String No The string for a template. Use escape characters in the template if necessary so that the correct JSON format is used in the request body. For example, replace double quotation marks (") with (\"), and line feeds with (\n). This parameter has priority if it is specified with templete_url.

Specify either the template_url or template parameter.

environment plain JSON No Replace the resource type defined in the template with another resource type.
files plain JSON No Mapping of file name and file contents. Specify this parameter when the embedded function get_file is used in the template. Use escape characters in the file contents if necessary so that the correct JSON format is used in the request body. For example, replace double quotation marks (") with (\"), and line feeds with (\n).
parameters plain object No The pair of the name and value of an input parameter to be passed to the template.
timeout_mins plain Number No The timeout value. The unit is minutes. If omitted, the value specified at the time of last stack creation or update will be used. If the value has never previously been specified, 60 will be used.

Example. Update stack: JSON request

	"template_url": "{template_url}", 
	"parameters": {
		"param_name-1":  "param_value-1", "param_name-2":  "param_value-2"
	"timeout_mins": "{timeout_mins}"