Retrieve virtual server details


Retrieves detailed information about the specified virtual server.



Accept: application/xml

X-Auth-Token: Keystone token (*1)

X-VA-Project-Id: ID of the project that owns the resource (*2)

X-VA-Domain-Id: ID of the domain that owns the resource (*2)

*1: The scope specified for the token is ignored when this API is executed by the system administrator.

*2: Mandatory when this API is executed by the system administrator. ignored when executed by other users.






Argument name Description
internal This parameter is used to retrieve the base image ID of a cloning image specified during creation of the virtual server.

This parameter is intended for use by system administrators. However, the base image ID can be retrieved even if specified by a regular user (it will not result in error).

  • "true"

    Retrieves the base image ID

  • "false" (optional)

    Does not retrieve the base image ID




Status code

200 OK


          <LServer name="virtualServerName" id="virtualServerId">
           <TemplateLink name="virtualServerTemplName" />
            <Disk name="diskName">
             <DiskLink name="diskNameAllocatedToVirtualServer" id="DiskID" />
              <NetworkLink name="networkName" id="NetworkID">
               <IpAddress auto="ipAutoConfigure" address="ipAddr"/>
            <Snapshot version="snapshotGeneration" date="snapshotDatetime" id="snapshotResourceId"/>
            <Snapshot version="snapshotGeneration" date="i" id="snapshotResourceId"/>
            <Snapshot version="snapshotGeneration" date="snapshotDatetime" id="snapshotResourceId"/>

Item Description Details
snapshot Generation Generation of the snapshot Numeric characters
snapshot Datetime Snapshot retrieval datetime Datetime


snapshot ResourceId Resource ID of the snapshot ID format
diskName Disk name allocated to the virtual server If a disk (such as a disk connected to RDM of SAP for virtual server or to an unsupported device) that cannot be managed by the delivery platform is connected, an empty value is returned.
diskId Resource ID of the disk Same as above.
diskSize Size of the disk Refer to diskSize of "Create virtual server" on page 177 for details.
devicePath Device path or identifier for the connection to the disk SCSI:0:0, etc.
macAddr MAC address allocated to the NIC of the virtual server XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
resourceStatus Status of the virtual server normal, warning, stop, error, fatal, unknown
powerStatus Power status of the virtual server on, off, unknown
baseImageId Base image ID of a cloning image specified during creation of the virtual server ID format (up to 32 alphanumeric characters)
Refer to the creation API for details on other elements