Create backup image


Creates a backup image from a virtual server.


Stop the target virtual server before creating a backup image.

An error will occur if an image with the same name already exists in the project.

  • Do not create a backup image from a virtual server that has not been started at all.
  • In case creating a backup image with the data disk, that may take several hours depending on the size and contents of the data disk. But 0% state lasts for a long time in API progress situation. If the processing status is maintained, backup image creation is done even if the progress status is 0%, so please wait for the processing to be completed.



Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Accept: application/xml

X-Auth-Token: Token of Keystone(*1)

X-VA-Project-Id: ID of the project where the resource is created(*2)

X-VA-Domain-Id: ID of the domain where the resource is created(*2)

*1 When the system administrator uses the API, the scope specified for token is ignored.

*2 Required when system administrator uses API. It is ignored when specified by the user.








Argument name Discription
name Specify the backup image name. Specify a string of up to 32 characters, using alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and periods (.) , beginning with an alphabetic character.
type Specify "backup"
l_server_rid Specify the resource ID of the virtual server from which the backup image is created.
comment Specify the comment to be set for the backup image (optional). Character string of up to 96 characters with non-percent character ("%"), circle mark ("\"), double quotation mark (").
disk Specify the disk to be backed up.
  • When backing up all the disks of the virtual server (default):

    Ommit this parameter, or specify "all"

  • When backing up only the system disk of the virtual server:



Status code

202 Accepted


Task information

However, <resource id="resourceId"/> is not displayed.