Creating a key container for SSL-VPN (V2 service/self-signed certificate)

This section explains the procedure for creating a key container for SSL-VPN.


A container is an aggregate of a CA certificate, a server certificate, a private key, and a DH key. This container will later be used when creating an SSL-VPN connection. When creating this container, it is necessary to specify the following information as fixed values.

  • type: "generic"
  • name: "ca", "server_certificate", "server_key", "dh"
  1. Execute the following commands to perform the necessary configuration.
    $ CONTAINER_NAME=<Key Container Name (Optional)>
    $ TYPE=generic (Fixed value)
    $ CA_NAME=ca (Fixed value)
    $ CA_URL=<secret_ref of CA Certificate
    $ SV_CERT_NAME=server_certificate (Fixed value)
    $ SV_CERT_URL=<secret_ref of Server Certificate>
    $ SV_KEY_NAME=server_key (Fixed value)
    $ SV_KEY_URL=<secret_ref of Private Key for Server Certificate>
    $ DH_NAME=dh (Fixed value)
    $ DH_URL=<secret_ref of DH Key>
  2. Execute the following API.
    $ curl -X POST -sS -i $KEYMANAGEMENT/v1/$PROJECT_ID/containers \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: $OS_AUTH_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"name":"'$CONTAINER_NAME'", "type": "'$TYPE'",
     "secret_refs":[{"name": "'$CA_NAME'", "secret_ref": "'$CA_URL'"},
     {"name": "'$SV_CERT_NAME'","secret_ref": "'$SV_CERT_URL'"},
     {"name": "'$SV_KEY_NAME'","secret_ref": "'$SV_KEY_URL'"},
     {"name": "'$DH_NAME'", "secret_ref": "'$DH_URL'"}] }'

    A response like the following will be returned.

    HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    X-Fcx-Endpoint-Request: EXECUTED_REQ000257862_201
    Location: http://keymanagement.<Region Identifier><Project ID>/containers/<Key Container ID>
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 161
    Date: Www, DD MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss GMT
  3. Execute the following API to confirm that the key container has been created.
    $ curl -X GET -sS $KEYMANAGEMENT/v1/$PROJECT_ID/containers \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: $OS_AUTH_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    | jq .

    If the certificates registered to the container are output as shown below, then creation is complete.

    "containers": [
          "type": "generic",
          "container_ref": "https://keymanagement.<Region Identifier><Project ID>/containers/<Key Container ID>",
          "created": "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSS",
          "secret_refs": [
              "name": "ca",
              "secret_id": "<CA Certificate ID>"
              "name": "server_certificate",
              "secret_id": "<Server Certificate ID>"
              "name": "server_key",
              "secret_id": "<ID of Private Key for Server Certificate>"
              "name": "dh",
              "secret_id": "<DH Key ID>"
          "name": "<Key Container Name>",
          "updated": "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSS",
          "status": "ACTIVE"
      "total": 1
Note: Take a note of the <Key Container ID> that is given at the end of the "container_ref" parameter of the key container, as this value will be used in "Creating an SSL-VPN connection (V2 service/self-signed certificate)".