This section explains how to create a key pair to be used when logging in to a virtual server using SSH.
This section explains how to list virtual server OS images provided by the OS provision service.
This section explains how to list of virtual server types (flavors) to be provided.
This section explains how to create a port (network interface) to be associated with an IP address, for connecting resources such as virtual servers to a network.
This section explains how to specify a port (private IP address) and create a virtual server (CentOS).
This section explains how to retrieve a port (private IP address) using DHCP and create a virtual server (CentOS).
This section explains how to specify a port (private IP address) and create a virtual server (Windows).
This section explains how to retrieve a port (private IP address) using DHCP and create a virtual server (Windows).
This section explains how to retrieve the port ID of a virtual server, required for assigning global IP addresses to the virtual server.
This section explains how to retrieve a global IP address for accessing virtual resources from the Internet and assign it to a virtual server.