Preparing to create a virtual server (listing virtual server types)
This section explains how to list of virtual server types (flavors) to be provided.
To display the list, execute the following API:
$ curl -Ss $COMPUTE/v2/$PROJECT_ID/flavors/detail -X GET \ -H "X-Auth-Token: $OS_AUTH_TOKEN" | \ jq '.flavors[] | {name: .name, id: .id}'
A response is output in a format such as the following:
{ "name": "<flavorName>", "id": "<flavorId>" }
The following response is output:
{ "name": "S-1", "id": "1101" } { "name": "S-2", "id": "1102" } { "name": "S-4", "id": "1103" } { "name": "S-8", "id": "1104" } { "name": "S-16", "id": "1105" } { "name": "M-1", "id": "1201" } { "name": "M-2", "id": "1202" } { "name": "M-4", "id": "1203" } { "name": "M-8", "id": "1204" } { "name": "M-16", "id": "1205" }
When creating a virtual server, specify the flavor ID.