Preparing to create a virtual server (listing virtual server types)

This section explains how to list of virtual server types (flavors) to be provided.

Refer to "Virtual Server" in the "Features Handbook" for the types (flavors) of virtual servers provided.
To display the list, execute the following API:
$ curl -Ss $COMPUTE/v2/$PROJECT_ID/flavors/detail -X GET \
-H "X-Auth-Token: $OS_AUTH_TOKEN" | \
jq  '.flavors[] | {name: .name, id: .id}'

A response is output in a format such as the following:

  "name": "<flavorName>",
  "id": "<flavorId>"

The following response is output:

  "name": "S-1",
  "id": "1101"
  "name": "S-2",
  "id": "1102"
  "name": "S-4",
  "id": "1103"
  "name": "S-8",
  "id": "1104"
  "name": "S-16",
  "id": "1105"
  "name": "M-1",
  "id": "1201"
  "name": "M-2",
  "id": "1202"
  "name": "M-4",
  "id": "1203"
  "name": "M-8",
  "id": "1204"
  "name": "M-16",
  "id": "1205"

When creating a virtual server, specify the flavor ID.