Creating a virtual server (CentOS and DHCP retrieval)

This section explains how to retrieve a port (private IP address) using DHCP and create a virtual server (CentOS).

Refer to "Creating a virtual server (CentOS and port specification)" for details on specifying a port (private IP address).

  1. Set the environment variables below as follows:
    $ VM_NAME=<virtualServerName> (any)
    $ FLAVER_ID=<specOfVirtualServer> (listed flavor ID)
    $ VOL_SIZE=30
    $ DEVICE_NAME=<blockStoragePath> (specify using "/dev/vda" format)
    $ SOURCE=<blockStorageType>
    $ IMAGE_REF_ID=839c1db6-738c-4e2b-9a1d-c14977564203<imgIdOfCentos>
    $ DESTINATION=<connectionDestinationVol> (specify volume)
    $ ISDELETE=<volDeletion> (specify 1 to delete volumes created during creation of the virtual server, or 0 otherwise) 
    $ KEYNAME=<keyPairName>
    $ INSTANCE_MAX=<maxNumOfServers>
    $ INSTANCE_MIN=<minNumOfServers>
    $ NETWORK_ID=<networkIdThatYouWantToConnectTo>
    $ SG_NAME=<secGroupNameToBeSpecified>
  2. Execute the following API:
    $ curl -Ss $COMPUTE/v2/$PROJECT_ID/servers -X POST \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: $OS_AUTH_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"server": {"name": "'$VM_NAME'", "availability_zone": "'$AZ'",
     "imageRef": "", "flavorRef": "'$FLAVOR_ID'", "block_device_mapping_v2":
     [ {"boot_index": "0", "uuid":"'$IMAGE_REF_ID'",
     "volume_size": "'$VOL_SIZE'", "device_name": "'$DEVICE_NAME'",
     "source_type": "'$SOURCE'", "destination_type": "'$DESTINATION'",
     "delete_on_termination": '$ISDELETE'} ] , "key_name": "'$KEYNAME'",
     "max_count": '$INSTANCE_MAX', "min_count": '$INSTANCE_MIN',
     "networks": [{"uuid": "'$NETWORK_ID'"}],
     "security_groups": [{"name": "'$SG_NAME'"}] }}' | jq .

    The following response is output:

      "server": {
        "security_groups": [
            "name": "<specifiedSecGroupName>"
        "OS-DCF:diskConfig": "MANUAL",
        "id": "<newVirtualServerId>",
        "links": [
            "href": "<projId>/servers/<newVirtualServerId>",
            "rel": "self"
            "href": "<projId>/servers/<newVirtualServerId>",
            "rel": "bookmark"
  3. Execute the following API to check the virtual server that you created:
    $ curl -Ss $COMPUTE/v2/$PROJECT_ID/servers/detail -X GET \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: $OS_AUTH_TOKEN" | \
    jq '.servers[] | {status: .status, network_name: .addresses |
     keys, key_name: .key_name, flavor_id: .flavor |
     .id, vm_id: .id, security_group: .security_groups[] |
     .name, name: .name, }'

    If a list including the virtual server name that you specified is output, as follows, that means the virtual server was created successfully.

      "status": "<statusOfVirtualServer>",
      "network_name": [
      "key_name": "<keyPairName>",
      "flavor_id": "<flavorId>",
      "vm_id": "<virtualServerId>",
      "security_group": "<specifiedSecGroupName>",
      "name": "<virtualServerName>"