Record Management Functions

Create, modify, and delete DNS records, and view the information contained in these records.

Creating/Modifying/Deleting a Record

You can create, modify, and delete the following types of records. You can execute the same request on multiple records at the same time.

  • NS
  • A
  • AAAA
  • MX
  • TXT
  • LBR (latency-based routing)
  • PTR
  • SRV
Note: Record operations are not executed immediately. They are executed when the status information included in the response changes to "INSYNC."

Limiting Values

Table 1. List of Limiting Values Related to DNS Record Management
Item Limiting Values
Number of Records that Can Be Specified 10,000 per zone
Supported Record Type A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, TXT, LBR, PTR, SRV
Record Type with Wildcard Support A, AAAA, MX, CNAME, TXT
Table 2. List of Limiting Values for DNS Record Entries
Record Type Item Limitations Required
A Record Name

Length: 1 - 63 characters

Available character type: Alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), wildcards (*), and at marks (@)


60 - 86,400 seconds

*When there is no value entered, the TTL value of the zone is given priority


Available character type: Alphanumeric characters and dots (.)

Must be a valid IPv4 address


Length: No more than 255 characters

Available character type: Double-byte characters


0 - 100

Available character type: Numeric characters


Health Check

IP Address

Length: 1 - 32 characters

Alphanumeric characters and dots (.)


Health Check

Port No.

Length: 1 - 5 characters

Available character type: Numeric characters


Health Check

Host Name

Length: 0 - 255 characters

Available character type: Single-byte characters


Health Check


Available character type: Single-byte characters

Only omittable when failover is selected in the policy

AAAA Record Name

Length: 1 - 63 characters

Alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), wildcards (*), and at marks (@)


60 - 86,400 seconds

*When there is no value entered, the TTL value of the zone is given priority


Alphanumeric characters and colons (:)

Must be a valid IPv6 address


Length: No more than 255 characters

Available character type: Double-byte characters


0 - 100

Available character type: Numeric characters


Health Check

IP Address

Length: 1 - 32 characters

Available character type: Alphanumeric characters and dots (.)


Health Check

Port No.

Length: 1 - 5 characters

Available character type: Numeric characters


Health Check

Host Name

Length: No more than 255 characters

Available character type: Single-byte characters


Health Check


Available character type: Single-byte characters *3
CNAME Record Name

Length: 1 - 63 characters

Available character type: Alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), and wildcards (*)


60 - 86,400 seconds

*When there is no value entered, the TTL value of the zone is given priority


Length: 1 - 255 characters

Available character type: Alphanumeric characters, multi-byte domains, dots (.), and hyphens (-)


Length: No more than 255 characters

Available character type: Double-byte characters

MX Record Name

Length: 1 - 63 characters

Alphanumeric characters, dots (.), hyphens (-), wildcards (*), and at marks (@)


60 - 86,400 seconds

*When there is no value entered, the TTL value of the zone is given priority


Length: 1 - 255 characters

Available character type: Alphanumeric characters, multi-byte domains, dots (.), and hyphens (-)

0 - 64000

Available character type: Numeric characters


Length: No more than 255 characters

Available character type: Double-byte characters

TXT Record Name

Length: 1 - 63 characters

Available character type: Alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), hyphens (-), wildcards (*), and at marks (@)


60 - 86,400 seconds

*When there is no value entered, the TTL value of the zone is given priority

Value Alphanumeric characters, single-byte spaces, and single-byte symbols other than double quotation marks (") Yes

Length: No more than 255 characters

Available character type: Double-byte characters

NS Record Name

Length: 1 - 63 characters

Available character type: Alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-)


60 - 86,400 seconds

*When there is no value entered, the TTL value of the zone is given priority

Value Available character type: Alphanumeric characters, multi-byte domains, dots (.), and hyphens (-) Yes

Length: No more than 255 characters

Available character type: Double-byte characters

LBR Record Name

Length: 1 - 63 characters

Available character type: Alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-)


Length: No more than 255 characters

Available character type: Double-byte characters

PTR Record Name Character type: Alphanumeric characters, dots (.), and hyphens (-)  

60 - 86,400 seconds

*When there is no value entered, the TTL value of the zone is given priority

Value Available character type: Alphanumeric characters, multi-byte domains, dots (.), and hyphens (-) Yes

Length: No more than 255 characters

Available character type: Double-byte characters

SRV Record Name

Length: 1 - 63 characters

Available character type: Alphanumeric characters, dots (.), hyphens (-), and underscores (_)

Specify using the "_<Service Name>._<Protocol Name>" format (Example: _ftp._tcp)


60 - 86,400 seconds

*When there is no value entered, the TTL value of the zone is given priority

Value Specify the priority, the weight, the port number, and the target in this order, separating the values with blank spaces Yes

0 - 64000

Available character type: Numeric characters


0 - 65535

Available character type: Numeric characters

Port No.

0 - 65535

Available character type: Numeric characters


Length: 1 - 255 characters

Available character type: Alphanumeric characters, multi-byte domains, dots (.), and hyphens (-)

Specify using the format "<Record name of A record>.<Domain name>"


When the record name of the A record is "ftp-server-01" and the domain name is "":

Set it as ""


Length: No more than 255 characters

Available character type: Double-byte characters


*1: A required item when weighting has been selected using the policy.

*2: A required item when failover has been selected using the policy.

*3: An optional item when failover has been selected using the policy.

Points to Note

  • You cannot set more than one record of the same record type and with the same value for the same host name.
  • You cannot set CNAME and other records for the same host name at the same time.
  • You cannot set LBR and other records for the same host name at the same time.
  • The following DNS records cannot be set:

    • Records that are not in FQDN format
    • Records with a dot (.) or hyphen (-) at the beginning or end of the record name
  • SOA record settings cannot be changed.
  • You cannot set an NS record for the root domain.
  • Dynamic IP record settings (Dynamic DNS) are not supported.
  • DNSSEC is not supported.
  • Only the global IP (FloatingIP) provided by this service can be set as the record name for PTR. When setting a record name it is necessary to obtain the global IP in advance.
  • For details on reverse DNS lookup, refer to How to Use Reverse DNS Lookup.
  • For the target value of the SRV record, specify the record name of the A record in the same zone and the domain name.
  • The weighting in SRV records is not handled as the weighting of weighted round robin functions.