Auto-Scaling Settings

You can set a scaling group that has specific conditions (such as the number of virtual servers) in the stack definition in order to automatically control the increase and decrease of resources.

Figure: Overview of Auto-Scaling

Note: It is not possible to use auto-scaling between multiple availability zones.
Note: When a stack created using a template is updated, resources that have already been deployed are deleted and then rebuilt.

You can configure the auto-scaling function settings as follows.

Scaling Group Management Function

Set the following items to create scaling groups and register them in the stack. You can also configure settings for the health check function, which detects abnormality on scaled-out virtual servers and starts recovery automatically.

Table 1. List of Settings for Scaling Groups
Item Description Required
Cool down period (Cooldown) Specify this setting, in seconds, to prevent the next scaling operation from starting immediately after the previous scaling operation was completed  
Startup configuration name (LaunchConfiguration) Specify the name of a startup configuration to start the virtual server Yes
Load balancer name (LoadBalancerNames) Specify as a list the names of the load balancers that are included in the scaling operation  
Maximum number (MaxSize) Specify the maximum number of virtual servers to be scaled Yes
Minimum number (MinSize)

Specify the minimum number of virtual servers to be scaled

Tip: This is the number of servers that are created initially when the stack is registered.
Availability zone name (AvailabilityZones) Specify the name of the availability zone where you intend to create the scaling group Yes
Subnet ID list (VPCZoneIdentifier) Specify as a list the subnet IDs that exist in the availability zone that you specified for the availability zone name  

Scaling Policy Settings

Specify the following items to set a scaling policy.

Table 2. List of Settings for Scaling Policies
Item Description Required
Scaling type (AdjustmentType)

Specify how to increase or decrease the number of virtual servers by selecting one of the following types

  • ChangeInCapacity

    Adds the specified number of virtual servers when the number is positive, and deletes the specified number of virtual servers when the number is negative

  • ExactCapacity

    Changes the number of virtual servers to the specified number

  • PercentChangeInCapacity

    Increases or decreases by the specified ratio (percentage), from 1 to 100

Scaling group name (AutoScalingGroupName) Specify the name of the scaling group on which you intend to set the scaling policy Yes
Cool down period (Cooldown) Specify this setting, in seconds, to prevent the next scaling operation from starting immediately after the previous scaling operation was completed  
Scaling value (ScalingAdjustment)

Specify the scaling adjustment value according to the type that you specify for the scaling type

Example: When you set the scaling type as "ChangeInCapacity" and set the change value as "-1," a virtual server will be deleted when the policy is applied


Startup Configuration Settings

Define the settings for when a scaling policy is applied and the virtual servers that are added are actually started.

Note: Only one port can be connected to the virtual servers in the scaling group.
Table 3. List of Settings for Startup Configurations
Item Description Required
Image ID (ImageId) Specify the ID or name of the image to be used on the virtual server to be started Yes
Virtual server type (InstanceType) Specify the type name (flavor name) of the virtual server to be started Yes
Key name (KeyName) Specify the name of the key pair that is set on the virtual server to be started  
Security group (SecurityGroups) Specify as a list the security group names to be set on the virtual server to be started  
User data (UserData) Specify the user data to be executed when a virtual server is started  
List of block storage device mapping settings (BlockDeviceMappingsV2) Describe the block device mapping settings so that the device will be attached as block storage to the virtual server to be started  

Support of the Alarm Function

The alarm setting of the monitoring service specifies a scaling policy as an action to be taken when the value reaches the threshold. You can adjust auto-scaling according to the workload by setting the thresholds for alarms to call different scaling policies.

Tip: You can register multiple actions for one alarm. Notifications are available by email when scale out or scale in occurs.

Example of Setting Auto-Scaling

An example of a stack definition that describes conditions for auto-scaling is shown below. In this example, the conditions are set as described below.

  • The following are defined for the scaling group:

    • Specification of a load balancer in order to distribute the load on the auto-scaled virtual servers (balance the traffic load to port 80 (HTTP))
    • Specification of the maximum number of virtual servers as three
    • Specification of the minimum number of virtual servers as two
    • Specification of the subnet to which auto-scaled virtual servers are connected
    • Specification of the startup configuration (specification of values by using variables that are declared in the parameters section)
  • The following policies are defined as the scaling policies:

    • web_server_scaleout_policy: Specification of "ChangeInCapacity" for the scaling type, and setting of one (+1) for the number of virtual servers to be added when the alarm is raised
    • web_server_scalein_policy: Specification of "ChangeInCapacity" for the scaling type, and setting of one (-1) for the number of virtual servers to be deleted when the alarm is raised
  • The following two alarms are defined as the alarms:

    • cpu_alarm_high: Application of web_server_scaleout_policy when a CPU usage rate of higher than 50% that continues for one minute or more is detected
    • cpu_alarm_low: Application of web_server_scalein_policy when a CPU usage rate of 15% or lower that continues for one minute or more is detected

Example of stack definition:

heat_template_version: 2013-05-23 

  Autoscaling sample template. 


    type: string 
    default: jp-east-1a 
    type: string 
# ImageID of CentOS 
    default: 1234abcd-5678-ef90-9876-fedc5432dcba 
    type: string 
    default: standard 

    type: string 
    description: SSH key to connect to the servers 
    default: sample_keypair00 
    type: comma_delimited_list 
    default: sample_SG00 


    type: FCX::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup 
      AvailabilityZones: [{get_param: az}] 
      LaunchConfigurationName: {get_resource: launch_config} 
      MinSize: '2' 
      MaxSize: '3' 
# subnet ID for auto-scaling 
      VPCZoneIdentifier: [38e6630f-3257-4ee8-a006-f6d57ceaa2c3] 
      - {get_resource: fj_elb} 

    type: FCX::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration 
      ImageId: { get_param: param_image_id } 
      InstanceType: { get_param: param_flavor } 
      KeyName: {get_param: key_name} 
      SecurityGroups: {get_param: autoscale_security_group} 
      BlockDeviceMappingsV2: [{source_type: 'image', destination_type: 'volume', boot_index: '0', device_name: '/dev/vda',  volume_size: '40', uuid: {get_param: param_image_id}, delete_on_termination: true}] 

    type: FCX::ExpandableLoadBalancer::LoadBalancer 
# subnet ID for auto-scaling 
      Subnets: [38e6630f-3257-4ee8-a006-f6d57ceaa2c3] 
      - {LoadBalancerPort: '80', InstancePort: '80', 
        Protocol: 'HTTP', InstanceProtocol: 'HTTP' } 
      HealthCheck: {Target: 'HTTP:80/healthcheck', HealthyThreshold: '3', 
                   UnhealthyThreshold: '5', Interval: '30', Timeout: '5'} 
      Version: 2014-09-30 
      Scheme: internal 
      LoadBalancerName: fjsampleELBaz1 

    type: FCX::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy 
      AdjustmentType: ChangeInCapacity 
      AutoScalingGroupName: {get_resource: web_server_group} 
      Cooldown: '60' 
      ScalingAdjustment: '1' 

    type: FCX::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy 
      AdjustmentType: ChangeInCapacity 
      AutoScalingGroupName: {get_resource: web_server_group} 
      Cooldown: '60' 
      ScalingAdjustment: '-1' 

    type: OS::Ceilometer::Alarm 
      description: Scale-out if the average CPU > 50% for 1 minute 
      meter_name: fcx.compute.cpu_util 
      statistic: avg 
      period: '60' 
      evaluation_periods: '1' 
      threshold: '50' 
      - {get_attr: [web_server_scaleout_policy, AlarmUrl]} 
      matching_metadata: {'metadata.user_metadata.groupname': {get_resource: 'web_server_group'}} 
      comparison_operator: gt 

    type: OS::Ceilometer::Alarm 
      description: Scale-in if the average CPU < 15% for 1 minute 
      meter_name: fcx.compute.cpu_util 
      statistic: avg 
      period: '60' 
      evaluation_periods: '1' 
      threshold: '15' 
      - {get_attr: [web_server_scalein_policy, AlarmUrl]} 
      matching_metadata: {'metadata.user_metadata.groupname': {get_resource: 'web_server_group'}} 
      comparison_operator: lt