Checking a stack

It is possible to confirm that the resources contained in the stack have been created from the IaaS Service Portal.

  1. Click "Compute" > "Virtual Server".
  2. Confirm that the server (sample_vm) has been created.
  3. Click "Compute" > "Key Pair".
  4. Confirm that the key pair (sample_key) has been created.
  5. Click "Storage" > "Block Storage".
  6. Confirm that the block storage (sample_volume) has been created.
  7. Click "Networking" > "Virtual Network".
  8. Confirm that the network (sample_network) has been created.
  9. Click the created network.
  10. Confirm in the Subnet area that the subnet (sample_subnet) has been created.
  11. Confirm in the Port area that the port (sample_port) has been created.
  12. Click "Networking" > "Security Group".
  13. Confirm that the security group (sample_sg) has been created.

    This completes the check.